Saturday, 29 December 2012

Ignorance is not bliss anymore ,its a curse - Recently proved in Delhi

Ignorance is not bliss anymore  its a curse - Proved by recent Delhi incident

If you ignore its considered as your agreement
If you ignore its considered as encouragment
if you ignore its considered you are not interesed but you dont mind either
If you ignore it is considered as an unwritten invitation to proceed further
If you ignore it is an invitation for unimagined acts or behaviour

Shame and sensitivity has vanished form society hence ignorance once considered as bliss is a curse now

If you ignore then you either end up being a victim or a witness to victimised
If you ignore then you end up being helpless and guilty and also unknowingly party to the event

The recent event in delhi is only a case of  years of ignorance and unknowingly acceptance and also encouragement to the cowardly act of mentally disturbed members of our society towards other member

We have given birth to these demons and encouraged them to grow over the years and reach to such great heights that they can not only dare to imagine but also dare to excecute their imagination without fear of scoiety, law and order and human rights violation

The society at large has been ignoring and unknowingly or knowingly encouraging these demons from last so many years

In country like ours  women dress and behave the most decent way in the world and accept society pressures and so called society laws sacrificiing their own individuality and desires and dreams

Women accept the superiority of men without questioning and accept them as their so called
"PATI PARMESHWAR " post marriage

Such a shame that some men pay their respect back to women with such cowardly acts
and rest of the men silently choose to be a witness or post event pose as a condemnor or moral supporter

Just by condemning or protesting these acts wont vanish

These demons may become dormant for sometime and then emerge again as the society goes into deep slumber

Society cannot be complete without WOMEN

If they feel threatened or unsafe or unrespected in society then the society is on the verge of collapse

The law and order situation is only a pretention and in spirit nobody is taking it seriously

The only way is to" STOP IGNORING "



This time it was that unfortunate 23 year old delhi girl , next time it could be your family member also

Even a thought of above statement is so scary , imagine the plight of family of that girl

May her soul rest in peace and May our soul awaken from the deep slumber of ignorance

Saturday, 1 December 2012

MBA degree is like Paraglyder

MBA degree is a prestigious qualification for an individual as well as the professional society

It is a lot of hardwork to get to the completion of the curriculum and reach the convocation successfully to get the reward as degree

Also the degree helps to take your career higher .

MBA degree is similar to a Paraglyder ...........

A paraglyder training is provided on the top of a mountain cliff

Firstly you reach to the top of mountain with all the hardwork , then you get trained to fly high in the sky using the paraglyder

Then finaly when you are ready you dare to jump from the mountain cliff with the paraglyder to rise higher in the sky and enjoy the experience

Same is with the MBA degree

Many of us take pains to reach top of the mountain by studying hard , committing to the course of MBA , investing money in to the course.

Many of us get trained for the use of paraglyder in the sky ( MBA degree in the market)

Then when we are given the paraglyder ( MBA degree) and asked to jump from the cliff ( enter into the market and encash the benefit and fly high in our professional lives)

Some dare to use the paraglyder and jump of the cliff to see whether they can fly

Some  find success and fly high and enjoy the experience

Some of them think that getting paraglyder is the only thing which is most important,
Without proper attention to training and use of paraglyder they think that paraglyder will help them to fly high

They jump with the paraglyder and fall on the face in the woods or trees and blame that the paraglyder is of no use , it does not help or the company( MBA institute) which had made this paraglyder is not good.

Some of them don't even dare to jump from the cliff and take their paraglyder climb down and keep the paraglyder as a trophy at home and forget they had ever got the training to fly using paraglyder

The Paraglyder ( Degree)  is a means to fly in the sky ( professional world)

If you do not learn it to fly it won't help

Even after training yourself thoroughly if you do not test it or have confidence to jump of the cliff it wont help

Also for those who jump with the paraglyder in the sky its not easy , adjusting to the 3 dimensional sky and  wind currents  is a challenge in it self ( same like in professional market ever changing new challenges  and environments)

So ultimately if you have done the hard work of climbing the mountain , then get trained properly and then dare to jump of the cliff and constantly adjust to the wind currents and dont think that paraglyder will take care of you, its just a means to fly higher

Paraglyder ( Degree ) will only be a mean to fly in the sky

It is upto you how you use it and go higher

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Hibernating Human souls

We are hibernating souls , alive but in deep slumber waiting for some wake up call

We don't listen to ourselves, our inner voice  , then what the poor world can expect from us

We have turned insensitive to ourselves and turned deaf ears to our own soul

The U  in everyone of us has lost somewhere 

We require the world around us to motivate us ,

We wait for a motivating event in life

We wait for our boss , friend, and many people to come and motivate us to put our best

We require someone else to tell us that we are good at something then only  we can accept it

We always don't believe ourselves and our capabilities

We wait for a recognition, affirmation , confirmation from society

But what if society is not mature enough to understand you and your talent , your uniqueness and your thoughts

We surrender anything easily which society rejects or doesn't appreciate

Thank god that there are few people who believe in themselves and their capabilities more than the society and its recognition

These people are Wright brothers , Albert Einstein , Isaac Newton,Thomas Edison , Archimedes, and many who believed themselves and did'nt care even when society laughed at them

As a result of these people's self belief we have so many discoveries and inventions serving mankind

Why any motivating book or lecture or training has a limited effect on majority of us ?

Because we come out of hibernation for sometime , it feels good when you read a motivating book or attend a inspirational program but when we realize that the book is over or the inspirational  program is over and we are on our own,then we choose to go back in hibernation again.

Even RHINO skin can be penetrated but HUMAN SENSES have thickened beyond the RHINO skin

This is is not a negative remark on humanity

Its a rather TIGHT SLAP which everyone of us require from time to time to awaken from the deep slumber

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Scarcity of Talent OR Scarce will and patience to identify and groom talent

World over there is a scarcity of skillful and talented Human resource

HR department of world organizations are in constant search of super talent and skills

In past so many years there is hardly any change in the composition of cerebrum in the newly born

There is hardly any evidence of deteriorating cerebral capacity in the new born babies

Then why there is hew and cry of deficient talent

The human brains were , are and will be most talented with unimaginable power to conceive , create and put their actions into their thoughts.

The real question is whether we have the patience, tolerance, empathy , compassion  and the will to understand talent and get it  aligned  to our objectives ( organizational objectives)

The dearth of talent was never there , never is and never will be .....

The diamonds ( Human talent)  are forever lying to be grabbed

But  identification of the diamonds and polishing the rough diamonds is a challenge with which the whole world organizations are grappling with.

We are living in the world which is getting used to READY MADE things

We don't want to invest and understand in knowing what goes in making something ready

This philosophy of ready made things have been applied to Human Resource as well

Hence the illusion of scarcity of talent all over

If you are talented then you will see talent everywhere

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Greek exit from eurozone is ???? But Greed must exit Mankind

Greek Debt crisis is world's top economic news nowadays

In future Greek would be less known for its rich history and civilization then its recent economic crisis.

Whether GREEK WOULD EXIT EURO ZONE OR NOT its unclear as of now ,

But one thing is clear that " GREED MUST EXIT MANKIND"

Greed is contagious and difficult to contain ,

Its effects are devastating and long lasting then the prevailing economic crisis.

The world has recovered from many economic crisis in the past , But has yet to come out of Greed crisis.

Since ancient times mankind has been suffering from Greed for Land, Food and Power.

A man requires so little food to survive , so much less land to stay and just look at the resources available for our consumption around us in the nature,

Even the population of 7 billion humans is far smaller than the resources available for our survival,

But Greed has possessed us and converted the abundance of resource around us into a scarcity

We cannot tolerate each others happiness , growth and prosperity.

According to  a recent stastics  the worlds half wealth is with only  2% of the population.

Look at the Greed , 2 % of population is simply not in any sense capable of consuming the enormous wealth and resources they have with them.

They might have worked hard, got lucky, used their brains , for accumulation of such enormous wealth , all fair ...

But under any circumstances accumulation of wealth and resources which is beyond one's capability to consume in one life is just unfair , unjust and a mere stupidity.

But all this stupidity and madness is possible due to Greed .

Hence I conclude that Greek exiting or not exiting from eurozone will not have a long lasting effect on existence of mankind,

But  Greed must exit mankind or else the human race will exit from the earth.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Organisation without soul is a mass of corpses

Soul gives meaning to body , soul lives till eternity and soul only changes body to rejuvenate.

An organisation without sensitivity and compassion is as good as body without soul

Its like a group of people collectively loosing or sacrificing sensitivity and compassion.

And such a group inspire or force in some situations others to join them.

Imagine what would happen to people who would have to deal with such organisation ?

The vendors, suppliers, employees and most importantly the customers.

They all end up suffering in short term.

And in long term some of them end up absorbing the culture and becoming soul less like the organisation.

Life breeds life

Soul in a body is life

Would corpses breed anything ?  No never , they just decay and decompose.

An organisation without soul (sensitivity and compassion) starts decaying like a corpse

The decaying process starts the moment the soul leaves the body

The bigger the organisation the longer it decays before completely decomposing

Life starts when a soul enters into a body

Similarly a Organisation comes into existence through sensitivity and compassion may be worse to worse case the sensitivity and compassion is skewed towards self more and less to others or society at large.

A group of people through their sensitivity and compassion indentify a problem in society due to deficient or non existant product or services .

After understanding the problem the group finds a solution to the problem in the form of a new product or a service.

This product or service then adds value to the society and in return value to the group in terms of recognition and monetory

This is how sensitive and compassionate people join each other and an organisation comes into existence

Then the evil side of the human starts taking over and some of the members of the organisation sacrifice their soul  for reasons like ( competition, growth, desire to survive at any cost ) and soon the virus spreads all over the organisation.

The journey of a living organisation to a soul less corpses may be shorter for some organisation and longer for others due to size and some resistence shown by good people in the organsiation

But overall the sensitivity and compassion has remained on the paper and in some cases they are hidden behind professionalism , dynamism and aggressiveness.

Organisation take pride in calling themselves professional, dynamic and aggressive against being called as sensitive and compassionate.

Every human being has equal amount of sensitivity and compassion

We need to protect it , nurture it , share it with each other because its our sole source of existence.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

if you want to be Powerfull and strong

If you really want to be powerfull and strong then
Compete with yourself,
Surrender the idea of controlling others
Only give and share without expectation in return
Then see the Power and strength you attain