Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Casual communications ...

Whenever we communicate with others , the words and emotions we choose to express ourselves need to be specific to the possible world view of the other person or a group in context to the subject of conversation.

Because in every conversation 2 worlds collide ( Individual worlds with their unique ideas and perceptions about everything and the specific thing in conversation )

Every language has words which are interpreted freely by every individual depending upon an individual's  association or experience with that word keeping the interpretation in a range of dictionary meaning and context possessed by that word.

Eg Fear  is a word which has many associative meanings based on the experiences of an individual within its dictionary meaning and context.
For some speaking in a group is FEAR 
For some speaking in front of a group is FEAR
For some talking to strangers is FEAR 
For some speaking with strangers , or speaking in a group or in front of a group is FUN but heights is FEAR  etc etc 

When such words are used we trigger their possible associations in the other person's mind  and if the context in which the word fear is used  is very very different from their associations then there is a possibility of mis -communicating  the context of the communication or distracting the whole conversation.


Whats the choice left with us while communicating and choosing our words ???

We cant possibly predict what associations or interpretations our choice of words may trigger but we can certainly be careful in our choice as to limit the possibility of distracting the other person or the audience and being aware while communicating.

Most communications fall under casual communications in the sense that they are not made in total awareness and with absolute control on the choosing the words in the conversation.

The outcome is left to the other person and also the blame of misunderstanding rest on them.

With so many casual communications in this world harmony and peace would be an aspiration in any era of mankind.

Yes, crystal clear communication is extremely difficult or rather impossible  between human beings unlike the animals where things are very straight and simple with no liberty to interpret messages in an unique individualistic way.

Hence animals are in absolute peace and harmony with each other and with the cosmos. 

Our need for survival and  manipulative adaptions take us through such chaos of casual communications.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Books O Books...

My journey from a person who struggled to read a single page of a book to  becoming a voracious reader and then turning to writing and becoming a Author was awesome
Living beings around me were of less help then those who poured their soul into their books as authors and Transformed me
Lifted me
Carcassed me
Encouraged me
Stirred me
Served as a support in the journey of life
Played a major role in my transformation
Books and through them the authors who shaped my thoughts and characters are real heroes of my life
And really books are , non interfering , non  intimidating,  not dominating , not prejudiced but are innocent , neutral,
non reactive , being themselves and just offer their services to us to transform our perceptions without any compulsions .
They don't care who you are and just offer themselves to us selflessly  for understanding, evaluating  and accepting them.
Living beings could take these qualities from these non living beings (books)  who infuse life in so called living beings .
In life it's one's duty to share the treasure one has  found and leveraged to bring happiness blessings and harmony in one's own life, so that others can also have access to happiness blessings and harmony in their life through that treasure .
I am doing my duty to share the treasure I found with you all.
I urge the reader to turn to books and explore them deeply to find what you are seeking and longing in life.
Even if you haven't read more than few pages in your life it's possible to gulp many books .
I am suggesting you an idea for the same.
Just find out in what state of mind and emotions you are now
how your life is shaping as per your expectations
I am sure you would want more from life at this time
So note down the state of mind and feelings in a piece of paper
And explore availability of books with themes similar to your state of mind and emotions and then select the book and start reading to explore more your own feelings and state of mind
Then see the magic you would not realise when you are half a way through the book
Once you savour the content of book and implement in your life and benefit and see the transformation then you have tasted the treasure and will be unstoppable .
Go for it and shine in your life
You are worth the shine
You deserve the shine
Your destiny is to shine brightly like the sun.....
Happy reading ....

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

The Universe is a Service provider...

The universe only seeks from us clarity, intensity and consistency.
If we are clear in asking or desiring
If we intensely associate with our desire
If we are consistent
Then we would always receive.
The universe is not a person that it wouldn't respond to your desires.
It is ever ready , to offer you whatever you seek .
It is impartial and neutral .
It does not distinguish what's right or wrong ,  good or bad etc
The department of evaluation and interpretation belongs to our mind and ultimately us.
The Universe is ever ready to serve us.
We must be ready for receiving the services by making right choices
It is capable to give us but we may require capability building to receive and handle it.
The will power to make choices to ask with clarity , intensity and consistency is the supreme power we got as human beings which shape our destiny.
So our destiny is indirectly in our choices which we make using our will power .
Destiny is fixed and unchanged for each of our choices. But we have the power to choose our destiny through them.
The universe is a friend who sincerely guides and supports our every endeavour of shaping our destiny without interfering .
If we cannot get clarity intensity and consistency for anything in life then we are wasting our WILL POWER.
And the universe will only respond to our confusion  by offering more confusion.
Determination is the key to all that happens in our life.
Our thoughts emotions and actions are all small bogies which need to align if the whole vehicle of our life has to move in some direction.
Our senses are biggest distractions at the same time important source of understanding and interpreting the universe.
So while we get ourselves entangled in our thoughts through senses and then emotions through feelings and keep rotating and revolving in our life the universe patiently waits for instructions from us to serve and support us in our journey.
It has nothing to do us with quality of our journey or length of our journey .
It's only a SERVICE PROVIDER ...

Wednesday, 12 July 2017


Today's learners face a unique challenge
They are looking for a best tutor or teacher or trainer but they themselves are not willing to become best student or learners.
The attitude of judging the teacher or trainer interferes so much while learning or hiring one that learning gets lowest priority and they end up not getting any value from the whole engagement .

The fact remains the teacher is as good as the student .

There was a time when sishya  (learner ) used to wait for the Guru to make him his student ...

We all know the story of Eklavya that he wasn't even allowed by Dron acharya to be his student and he learnt unofficially and when guru demanded guru dakshina he happily gave away his thumb fully knowing that the guru asked everything he had from him as a archer...

But in today's generation the guru waits for the learners  to hire him or approve him as his teacher or trainer .

Negotiations for guru dakshina are as essential for learners as oxygen for living .

Such is the situation that the moment learner declares he wants to learn many gurus line up to present themselves as the best and deserving for the job.

Soon those days are not far when
Guru purnima will be a thing of past and Shishyapurnima will be celebrated and gurus will be lining up with gifts and sweets to impress students ..

The prevalent trend might dilute the already diluted education system.

Just like we can't get any nutrients and protein from the milk which is over diluted with water similarly with the dilution of education system the students who will pass out will be hollow and will lack substance.

The whole society is at risk of getting polluted first and then diluted later

The existing gurus and guardians must hold their nerve and not let loose these new developing learner psyche and emerge as torch bearers and not succumb to the livelihood earning task.

There are many other jobs where you can earn livelihood.