What is destiny ?
It is a definite outcome of an activity or input
Irrespective of your intentions , desires and expectations.
Our body has a destiny and it is Death
It will certainly perish no doubt, but how and when depends upon the energy which is inside the body...
The energy inside the body can be called as soul or life and has no fixed identity and destiny
It's a energy field of infinite possibilities
Our confusion about destiny is due to combination of body and this energy which confuses us into a pseudo identity which feels there is destiny when it identifies itself as body and when it identifies itself as energy then it realises there isn't destiny
And between this oscillating identification the whole life is spent in a dilemma.
The dilemma is
Should I ?
Stop doing anything if destiny is fixed coz whatever I do the outcome is not going to change so why do I bother to put any effort
I take the control of my destiny coz it's not fixed and is a mere outcome of my own thoughts and dedicated action .
Let's see a example to understand clearly ...
The destiny of a mango seed is to yield mangoes but whether the seed will be sown and nurtured or it will be sown and will get destroyed due to the weather or any other external calamity or the seed will be destroyed and possibility of yielding
mangoes will be finished , all this is not fixed
Same is with human beings we are a potential and our destiny as a body is fixed but before the destiny arrives we have potential to yield anything
But we are confused because of
The simple reality that the vessel which carries energy / life has a destiny but the energy / life has no fixed destiny , it's only a field of infinite possibilities constantly ever changing flexible phenomemon..
You see life does not have one destiny but infinite destinies ...and it depends on what you choose to work upon at a particular time and it will yield and it has to yield...
You can say TO YIELD is LIFE's DESTINY..