Tussle between Nepotism and Talent
This is a psychological battle going on these days...but this is not a recent eruption of dispute ..it is old tryst..going on for several centuries and is a human behavioural trait related to survival and anxiety of uncertain future...
Let me explain you..
In Indian mythology more than 5000 years back as well there was Nepotism
Dronacharya who asked for eklavya's thumb as a fee for learning archery using his idol
Karna the 6th brother or pandavas was denied to participate in contest to win Princess drapaudi only coz he didn't belong the Kings lineage
And many many such countless instances are repeatedly observed throughout the history of mankind.
A doctors son can become a doctor and has all the resources available for him unlike a son of farmer wanting to become a doctor..
The choice to break the family tradition of a profession is new journey which has no trail in memories of your genes and it will be both ardous and exhilarating..
If a farmers son wants to become a better farmer then he has all the resources including the memories of genes and support of Father..
You see you can't blame Mukesh Ambani's son for being in a advantageous position as far as deep pockets and business acumen and legacy is concerned...
His grandfather created a new type of genes memory for his future generation..
The fight and dispute will go on
Sometimes the talent will win
Sometimes the nepotism psyche will win
Is it fair to defeat each other via any means?
This question itself is absurd
Who will decide whats fair and whats unfair ..
Everything is subjective ...
You see the good or the bad are our meanings assigned to acts and events...
The morality in our society is like a scarecrow in the fields ..
Scarecrow help to scare birds from damaging the crops and morality is also helps to keep the demons inside us in control ..
But the scarecrow and the morality in reality don't exist and their existence depends upon our acceptance without challenging them ..
if birds overrules the scare crow they will find its nothing and it does happen and you see birds both sitting ans shiting on the scarecrow
Thia happens when you get used to the fear of something
Same is with morality ..
we get used to it and then make mockery of it with acts which blacken the so called humanity
You see
Our existence can be because of somebody's absence or due to somebody's presence ..
Both are possibilities and depends upon ones imagination and attention given to that imagination...
Both possibilities has potential to become your subjective reality...