Sunday, 29 December 2024

Festival of New year Resolutions is here...

Festival of New year Resolutions is here again 

Lots of excitement and enthusiasm in welcoming the new year as usual and yet another opportunity to participate in the festival of Resoltuons for new year .
We repackage the same wishes and aspirations again in new cover of new year and design our NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS..

I do not know frankly what joy it gives us to fool ourselves year after year with more or less same resolutions or many times different resolutions abandoning the yesteryear ones. 

It's fashionable to have resolutions after all no one likes what they do hence all want to change their present and the only way to change is make a resolve to new set of activities and goals. 

But the inertia of our past and the gravitational pull of our set habitual programming doesn't allow us to break the old circle and achieve new resolutions.

I am not saying all fail to act or all land nowhere after creating new resolutions but the number of resolutions created and number of achieved has a huge gap .

Rather I would say we love to keep our dreams at a distance in future so that we can play with them in our imagination.

You see when we create new year resolutions we don't see the gap between them and ourselves. If we do then we may do something about bridging the gap between our dreams , resolutions and our capability. 

At times I also feel deep inside many know that their dreams are far away and no way they can become that person to achieve them or they have no hope or faith to become one, but for the society and their conscious mind they create a facade of resolutions. 

Be it loosing weight , be it getting rid of some addiction, be it developing new habits, be it pursuing something that defines one self or brings joy to oneself , be it anything that will transform one's present or for that matter any thing that is lingering in one's mind as a prospective happiness tool or satisfying and fulfilling tool.

Yes,  sounds ridiculous why would one deprive oneself from happiness ?
But yes overall on the surface we talk passionately about the tools that may give us joy and satisfaction but when it comes to giving it all to get that tool , most intentions fizzle out by FEB end and we are back to same life in March in new year as in last year's March.

We aren't made for such drastic failures but we end up because of our internal insecurities, self doubt, fear of loosing and fear of failing at attempting new things . We get drowned by fake identities given by society to us and live by them instead of discovering our true self.

In that case,   let's be true to atleast  our fake identities and lets not create any resolutions to fool oneself and society. And be committed to our secure present without aspiring for any new thing or new future .

Resolutions are not a festival thing, they are the GODLINESS in ourself. No Resolutions is abandonable , the power of resolutions propels us to our identity of beings with unlimited potential and these Resolutions serve as purpose to pursue our infinite persona  and also testament to our DNA of THE CREATOR.

So with this,  I leave each one of you with your decision to whether fool yourself or honour yourself and the DNA of GOD within you by living your RESOLUTIONS .

Best wishes 
Happy 2025 

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Do Good and Good will happen to you and Do Bad and Bad will happen to you

Do Good and Good will happen to you 
Do Bad and Bad will happen to you 

Most are made to believe in these lines 
And most are able to see most of the times sooner or later the good results for good deeds and bad results for bad deeds and connect with these lines 

But with an exception one only remembers bad deeds and bad results of others 

When we get bad results in our life , we are seldomly ever able to remember what bad we did ...we tend to get confused and blame destiny or others for bringing bad things to us and cursing them that they will get bad results for their bad deeds to you

These kind of innumerable hypocritic things human beings create for self fooling and shying from being aware of own intentions and deeds thereby absolving oneself from them. 

And on top of all these philosophies, fundamentally it's given that they are created by human beings for harmony and peaceful coexistence and not some moral doctrines fallen from sky with rains .

There are Infinite possibilities of consequences of every intention and our deeds . Not necessarily all will be favourable to our assumed subjective well beings. It becomes less chaotic and makes more sense to devise some philosophies to connect the results with actions and also bring certainty to life.

Basically self awareness helps us to free us from all delusional concepts , self destroying philosophies and self disempoering doctrines .

When you practice self awareness it's impossible to indulge in any act that may be detrimental to others and even if unknowingly it becomes detrimental to others your self awareness will help in taking responsibility of the same and make you diligent in life in future instead of being helpless and sulking in despair .

Our productivity in life improves leaps and bounds when we release ourselves from all sorts of self imprisoning belief systems and philosophies imposed on us by society from our childhood.
Those who question or start self enquiry are designated as rebels or fallen from humanity by the society and outcasted  sometimes actively and sometimes passively .

Your every deed and intention behind that deed will have infinite cascading effects on your immediate or far away surrounding . It's impossible to envisage every possibility of the consequence it can bring  to your life . These consequences may be expected or unexpected depending on innumerable factors. 
There impact may be acceptable or not acceptable. 

Your duty or obligation is to be aware when you are putting any intention behind any deed and that's maximum in your capacity while doing karma.
Good or bad isn't universal stamp on each intention or.each deed. It depends on the context and other person's ability to perceive your deeds and its impact as favourable to them or detrimental to them.

Your good can become bad for others and you may or may not get it's proportionate consequence. And your consequence also will get a lable of good or bad depending on your iwn context and ability to perceive it as favourable or detrimental .

So for every unique individual human being there cannot be a universal philosophy of good and bad .
And the philosophy if good and bad that is existing and made to believe is generic for better civil conduct in society for each others harmonious survival and coexistence and not a CODE OF CONDUCT given by the creator.