Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Active listening ...

Today is International listening day
And for records we assume that we listen in every communication
But the research says that we hear or partially listen at the most.
Listening and hearing are not the same
Hearing involves ears only
Listening involves ears , mind and heart and your whole being in awareness
Hearing is allowing the sound inside through ear drums
Listening is making efforts to interpret and understand the perspective ,emotions and context behind the sound without tampering with your prejudices.
Barriers to active listening are thinking while listening, assuming things and applying our prejudices to the sound.
Statistics say that 55% of our daily communication requires listening.
We spend 70 % of our daily awake conscious time in communicating .
Communication is a major part of our life
And 55%of that major part is listening and we hardly listen
No doubt there is so much of misunderstanding, misinterpretation and disharmony in our daily life .
We are away from total chaos in this world  only due to Democracy, society structure and individual adjustments .
The productivity of an human being is approx 10% of his capability
If we communicate well then we may improve our productivity significantly
Our relationships with each other may improve significantly
After all it is said that most important thing humans need is being understood by other fellow being.
So let's on this occasion of International listening day attempt active listening for at least 1 hr in the day.
Listen without thinking and without assuming to your child/ spouse/parents/siblings/ friend/boss/colleague/subordinate /customer whoever is most imp in your life and see the difference it will make to that individual and ultimately to you and your understanding
Happy listening...😊😊😊


sekhar chandrasekar said...

very good understanding of deep, effective listening, avi!! am eager to speak with you now!!

2611 said...

Thank you sir

2611 said...

Thank you sir

Unknown said...

Nice insight.Thanks for educating on International Listening Day

Anonymous said...

True...thanks for sharing


Divya said...

True...thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

Nice piece on listening Avi! Have shave read it when the listening day is long gone. It's worth a practice through our day to day communications. Just reminded not me of a Joke read yesterday on eve of Anant Chaturdashi. Bappa says, Friends how can I listen to your prayers when you are making so much noise.