Saturday, 12 October 2019

Power to Imagine is a boon turned into curse

You ability to imagine will decide whether your future will be new or same dead  past repeating itself with minor changes here and there ..

Your mind can entangle you to your past and repeat it as your present and future forever ..

Same mind can break the inertia of your past and use its power to imagine new reality resulting into a new experience new sensation and new possibility of future ...

You don't need to necessarily take an effort and go out of the way to influence anybody in this world..

If you are able to influence your own perceptions,  thought patterns , belief systems into new better expanding versions of themselves then its more than enough for you and the world around you ...

The world will automatically get influenced on its own and align to you ...

There isn't anything ( activity , place , environment, people etc etc) that you can dislike in this world

But if by hard work or intense efforts you have gotten your self in a situation that you don't like what's happening in your life then you can just simply use your brain to imagine a new situation favorable and likeable to you with complete intricate details and be with that imagination and live in that imagination...

And soon your intense longing will push you unconsciously to take action and bring your imagination into your reality...

So the seeds of your new realities lie in your ability to imagine new realities without getting influenced by your past or present experiences and realities ...

All the people who are dead cannot be ia part of our realities because they are gone unless you keep them alive in your imagination and forget your present surroundings and present reality which is devoid of them...

You see,  those who are gone can become a part of our realities only through our imagination and we can even feel their presence as spirits or some sort of energy around us ...

And its extremely difficult for somebody to accept that somebody is feeling the presence of their deceased loved ones as reality except for the one who is imagining and feeling it as a experience...

This is power of imagination but we use it to expand our fears, we use it to bring into our realities that which we don't want and that we hate ...

Imagination is a tool to design our life but If we use it to destroy and invoke pain and suffering in our life then no one can help us ...

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