Friday, 15 November 2019

Web of time and seed of creation

You can change your past present and future whenever you want ...

Do u want to know how?

Do you know past is a memory and an event with association of emotions feeling and experience based on our interpretation...

Our interpretations are never holistic and complete due to our shallow perceptions of reality and quick convinient assumptions...

When you change the emotions feelings with your past by improving your perception of the event in as broader perspective then your understanding of past changes and with that you release the memory and replace it with new one creating a new past ...

For example

When you wanted to watch a movie or play but your parents didnt allow you and it created a painfull experience of lack of freedom & oppression at that time which u carry as a memory for long time as painful past ...but when you look back it with broader perspective of you studying that time and benefiting immensely from it in your present then you release the pain associated with that event and convert it into necessary sacrifice and...
Bless your parents for not allowing you and in doing so change your memory of that event and so your past

We misunderstand mostly in life

But when we realise it then our past changes and with it even present state changes and definitely future changes when with our new present

Our past present and future is nothing but holograms of our perceptions evaluations and interpretations of the reality we experience and the nature of reality is fluid as its holographic and hence has a potential to evolve constantly for an infinite time ...

All this happens only in our mind and that's the point to be noted about life

It starts at thought level , keep transforming with it and ends at our thought level .

The matter and experience is an extrapulation of our thoughts .

Life is an expression of our thoughts , feelings and emotions .

Understand your thoughts feelings and emotions and take control of them and use them to create your desired life ...

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