But life is far from ideal and full of contradictions
Its really unclear whether some become empty heads after getting in power / Authority or they reach there as empty heads.
Nevertheless it is certainly a unpleasant experience to have a empty head in power and authority over you when you have a sound, thinking evolved mind,
But its not an delusional or hopeless situation but rather a tough or tricky and frustrating surely.
So this puts some of us or many of us if I say so liberaly at cusp of a situation where we have to deal with them or avoid empty heads in power.
Whatever we choose to do either deal or avoid but we cannot ignore them .
Aligning with them is the only solution but without loosing your head becoming empty head yourself .
Don't argue , avoid challenging them in any situation when engaging one to one or in groups with them.
Attempt to understand their point of view however pointless or shallow it may seem .
Your Art of communication is put to test when you are dealing with empty heads in power/ authority
Any psychological threat from you will agitate , aggravate, irritate them and they may turn against you .
However I am not advocating slavery or total yes manship but a middle way to.deal with them
Its very easy to get frustrated while dealing with them . Hence a high level of self motivation and broad perspective is required on matters dealing with them
Patience is key in order to successfully engage with them
Its rather easy using them to your advantage if you win their trust.
Finding out what is imp to them and making them dependent on you in that regards is key to success.
If you have a choice you may avoid their association but there is no guarantee that once you avoid them in one situation you will not encounter them in your life again..
A million dollar question which you have in your mind while reading this blog is...
How do empty heads get into a position of authority / power ?
There is no template answer for this question though some pointers ..
Are we fools to allow them to reach such position by our lack of vision ?
Then how Mr Trump was a popular choice for presidential position and then most hated him and voted out on 4 years
But one must understand that ...
Human being is a very complex and intriguing being and evolving since many centuries and its difficult to understand the self destructive ways in which we keep dealing with our own life
Empty heads have a knack of impressing people with their charm , perception managing skills and winning trust of people inspite of their hollowness or severe short handed ness for the position or authority
Their core strength is alignment , positioning themselves in the spot of favoritism and as a person who can provide solution to all problems.
They surrender unconditionally to their authorities to get into power
Their values are very clear ...
To impress at any cost even if there words are hollow and lack substance and weight.
They cuddle the most important thing in human beings life that is EGO of people who have power or authority over them.
You got to manage empty heads in power/ authority because they certainly are around and have impact on your life and quality of life .
Americans managed Mr Trump for 4 years then at appropriate time ditched him or he got himself ditched by his deeds.
So empty heads about whom we are talking here are in all strata of life and sections of life
Personal , corporate , social and political life
Many may shrug that calling somebody a empty head itself is a subjective thing and cannot be generalised
But we aren't talking about those subjective supposed empty heads for every individual
The empty heads in power/ Authority in discussion here are those who are designated as empty heads collectively by most of the people around them if not all .
We must deal with them by uniting together with an idea that if they want to continue in power / authority then they have to fill their heads with some wisdom or else they will be shown way out of the circle respectfully as shown to many in history...
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