Sunday, 2 March 2025

Uniqueness our only personality ...

We are made up of same elements but yet our individual structure is unique and further since our birth this uniqueness evolves infinitely at every moment 

We don't even have a gross idea of our uniqueness though from time to time life throws at us innumerable evidences via experiences and events that we are unique and our uniqueness is further branching out into infiniteness every moment. 

Our mind does get gobbled up in this maze and creates short cuts to save itself and keep us away from deluding into the vastness of chaos . It identifies similarities and patterns in every experience to give stability to our life .

These similarities and patterns  are assumed and momentary illusions of our prejudices . Our mind keeps us engaged into these patterns by tying us tightly to it and creates constant resistance every occassion we try to break the patterns and enter into the uncertain infintieness of life.

But life keeps bashing us regularly with its uncertain ever evolving patternlessness and manages to delude us inspite of our minds protection mechanisms .

We do know deeply inside our heart or have some sense that everybody around us is unique and different than us but we still stick to assumed similarities and try to find comfort and peace in it . 

We keep struggling to stick to such false comforts but we don't have choice other than struggling because the other side of this false comfort is complete delusion and abyss of infinite possibilities of uniqueness. 

And we keep fighting, challenging , contradicting .with each other's and keep hopelessly expecting similarity in others and our search for finding oursleves in others never ends .

The quest for finding similarities is even more bewildering than encountering infiniteness but yet we relentlessly every moment keep seeking it and it's the major source of our pain and suffering. 

You might expect after reaching here in the blog  that i am trying to offer you  any solution to deal.with it .

But you might get disappointed that there is no solution other than accepting and constantly aligning but even if I  offer any solution that would be seemingly acceptable, it would still be  generalisation of the issue.

So however hopeless it sounds it is what it is...
Acknowledging the issue dilutes uneasiness and unpleasantness associated with it .
Let me tell you that It takes courage to  even just  conduct our lives till end of this journey from nowhere to nowhere and always assuming that we are reaching somewhere from somewhere..

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