Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Maya or illusion or Ultimate Power

With every breath there arise infinite possibilities of our future to us
With each breath our attention, focus on one desired future triggers its manifestation for us
And again with next breath everything again emerges in our perception through Windows of our senses.
Our Realities are a result of conscious or unconscious collapsing of all the possibilities and choosing one desired one with every breath till only that possibility emerges with next every breath and then even universe doesn't have any choice to bring it into reality perceptible to our senses.
Our efforts or focus on desired possibility should be consistent and unwavering. It helps to collapse all the other infinite possibilities and future generations of these possibilities eventually forcing only one possibility to exist and manifest into reality.
In reality all other possibilities do not vanish they only rearrange themselves in such a way that they do not appear in front of us or in other words they arrange themselves in such a way that you see only your desired possibility and others seem collapsed.
Infinite possibilities cannot vanish and always remain all the time .
Our attention to one desired possibility or observation of one desired possibility triggers its appearance over others overlapping them.
These infinite possibilities rearrange behind our desired possibility due to our constant attention and observation and appear as vanished .
The dance of these infinite possibilities in our perception all the time bewilders us And we are unable to create consciously any one desired possibility easily.
Our mind and senses need to be tamed to focus on our desired possibility of future ignoring rest all possibilities however tempting or fearful they may seem.
These choices of infinite possibilities with every breath may seem a illusion or Maya as it is called or it may also be a infinite power to choose any future we desire from infinite possibilities arising every breath.

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