Thursday, 1 November 2018

Why self development is not a priority or last priority

Why self development is last priority or not a need recognised by most ?

Those in the self development business , the trainers, mentors , coaches , teachers must have experienced that most of the trainees, coaches mentees need to be persuaded to their own self development and after persuasion as well conversion is miniscule or in some odd percentages .

If self development is the path to better resources to live a life , better well being and better quality of life .

Why would most ignore it and need convincing that they must invest?

My research and experience reveals to me following reasons:

1) Most think that they are good enough and other people , circumstances and destiny is responsible for the gap between their present situation and their goals or desires. ( they choose Blame game over self development )

2) Most fear to face their own short comings or incapabilities ad cannot come to terms them ( they choose to be shell and suffer over self development )

3) Most are confused about self development coz it's abstract and not tangible in short term or immediately ( they choose a life of bewilderment and struggle over self development)

4) Most importantly self development is not a course which one will complete and that's the end of it for one life
Its a conscious unending relentlessly process coz of our limitless capacity to develop ourselves.

Every skills becomes irrelevant after a period for an individual or his surrounding and need upgrade or expansion to suit the expectation of oneself or society.

(They choose to dream about self development but seldomly commit to it or sometimes half heartedly attempt and go back to old ways)

But I believe that

it's a unending saga similar to breathing , eating and excretion
And  it has a has tremendous outcome, satisfaction , fulfilment and more importantly it is only purpose of our existence to become our highest limitless self .

What is your experience ?



Jogesh Jain said...

Well written. Largely covers all issues. What can be done to enlighten them?

Sachin said...

Well Written sir