Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Nepotism vs Talent

Tussle between Nepotism and Talent

This is a psychological battle going on these days...but this is not a recent eruption of dispute ..it is old tryst..going on for several centuries and is a human behavioural trait related to survival and anxiety of uncertain future...

Let me explain you..

In Indian mythology more than 5000 years back as well there was Nepotism

Dronacharya who asked for eklavya's thumb as a fee for learning archery using his idol

Karna the 6th brother or pandavas  was denied to participate in contest to win Princess drapaudi only coz he didn't belong the Kings lineage

And many many such countless instances are repeatedly observed throughout the history of mankind.

A doctors son can become a doctor and has all the resources available for him unlike a son of farmer wanting to become a doctor..

The choice to break the family tradition of a profession is new journey which has no trail in memories of your genes and it will be both ardous and exhilarating..

If a farmers son wants to become a better farmer then he has all the resources including the memories of genes and support of Father..

You see you can't blame Mukesh Ambani's son for being in a advantageous position as far as deep pockets and business acumen and legacy is concerned...

His grandfather created a new type of genes memory for his future generation..

The fight and dispute will go on

Sometimes the talent will win

Sometimes the nepotism psyche will win

Is it fair to defeat each other via any means?

This question itself is absurd

Who will decide whats fair and whats unfair ..

Everything is subjective ...

You see the good or the bad are our meanings assigned to acts and events...

The morality in our society is like a scarecrow in the fields ..

Scarecrow help to scare birds from damaging the crops and morality is also helps to keep the demons inside us in control ..

But the scarecrow and the morality in reality don't exist and their existence depends upon our acceptance without challenging them ..

if birds overrules the scare crow they will find its nothing and it does happen and you see birds both sitting ans shiting on the scarecrow

Thia happens when you get used to the fear of something

Same is with morality ..

we get used to it and then make mockery of it with acts which blacken the so called humanity

You see

Our existence can be because of somebody's absence or due to somebody's presence ..

Both are possibilities and depends upon ones imagination and attention given to that imagination...

Both possibilities has potential to become your subjective reality...

Sunday, 15 March 2020

We have become Polluted and diluted Creator. ..

Regrets and morality both are inseperable part of our life...rather inevitable parents of our sad destinies...
Let me explain ...

We choose regret over supposed immorality...
We choose to be self righteous or people pleaser rather than being faithful to our desires and inner self and create regret stories instead of happy stories

Do you know we all have our own personal world ...

The world of our thoughts and associated emotions ..

And we are so lost and confused that we keep seeking personal space in every body's heart and minds ...

We keep seeking personal space from society after not guarding and allowing society to  intrude into your personal world...

Your personal world have been hijacked and you are not even aware that you had one

That's the sadest part of your life compared to all the self created and self fed sadness that is in your life .

Your personal world of thoughts, emotions and imagination is the real world which keeps expressing or extrapulating itself into a physical world that is  tangible to your senses

And we allow other worlds to dominate our personal world  and sabotage it for fake , insignificant and unforgiving reasons ...

We have accepted that that's the way life has to be lived and that's what all do and we also must abide the rules and regulations of life and society

But let me tell you that life doesn't have any restrictions of rules and regulations , nor it evaluates your acts as
Good or bad , moral or immoral

Life only yields to what you seek and allow it to come to you

Life is a yielding machine without any bias , partiality , discrimination of any sort you can imagine

Life provides you freedom and power
And you cant handle it so you squander it and make a mess of it and like a child then blame your creator .
And when you cant find him or feel him with your senses then you convinienetly create for your self a personal creator with human like features and behaviours ( little ideal or aspirational human ) and likes and dislikes.

So that you can call your self a helpless child and keep asking for help to your creator and keep blaming creator for your misfortune or irresponsible attitude to precious life.

Most of you would disagree here or become little defensive on this point and even attempt to shrug my post for putting you in spot .

But you cant believe that you are creator because you have surrendered the power and free will and ability to influence your own destiny long back under pressure of elders or society and then it got on with you as a matter of convinience and conforming to society

And that's when you diluted your powers as creator of your own destiny and your life ...

Signature of life ...

Life is not all about yes yes and yes ...
There are equal no no no if not more ...

If we would know how all works and we were successful at doing each and everything without struggle and challenge then life would be more painful than now ...

It would be so predictable, robotic and bland to conduct such life where you just go through everything knowing exactly what to do and what would be outcome.

The fun 
The excitement
The adventure
The anxiety 
The unsurity
The uneasiness of every moment
The crest and trough of emotions 
The peaks of happiness and valleys of pain
All these are  SIGNATURES OF LIFE ...

We are in pursuit of staying away from these things Actually we are in pursuit of keeping 
our selves away from the very essence the signature of life .

Our purpose of life cannot be staying away from life. We cannot dodge life and expect to experience the grandeur of life .

You cant dream or desire to erase the signature bcoz life wouldn't be there without its signature..

The dead are away from all the supposed  dangers and perils of life .

The dead have no worries no anxieties no fear of anything no excitement no happiness and no pain 

These are signs and signatures of life ...

Allow yourself the experience of the curves of the signature of life  , the highs the lows, linearity , non linearity,  curls and whirls of the signature .

You cant experience the ecstasy which life holds as a pinnacle of expeoence till you expose yourself to the unknown and uncertain patterns of life .

You cannot know what are the peaks like if you havent known the valleys .

Because our pleasures exist in comparison to our pain.
They cannot exist independently 
They exist only because they can be compared 
Darkness will have no experience to offer to us if we haven't known the light. 

So shun the pursuit of running away from the uncertainties of life and embrace them with both hands for the joy and happiness of life behind the veil of unknown...

The known is dead predictable dull and certain 
So release it and go beyond it 

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

All the destinies you desire already exist as fulfilled

The excitement , joy and a sense of empowerment is limitless when you truly realise that the governor of your life and the creator of your destiny sits inside you and are you yourself and none other outside ...

This is true freedom and is a true bliss that ever there exists

Please allow yourself that freedom

You deserve it from your first breath 

All the possible destinies mankind has ever imagined and you can imagine now and anybody in future are already in a fulfilled state inside us

We need to just find access to these destinies and experience them as a celebration of life

The purpose of this body is to experience this ultimate freedom and limitless possibilities and infinite destinies.

The purpose of life is to feed itself it's own grandeur and magnanimity through self fulfillment.

Experiencing which already exists as fulfilled and achieved from time immemorial and that which we trigger through our imagination will also be available for future generations as a reference via the field of memories of our generations.

The legacy we can possibly leave is the idea that just get connected to the infinite field of possibilities and experience that which has been experienced by few exceptional beings in past and that which was always available in fulfilled state.

You need not to attempt to take it to its fulfilled state coz it's already fulfilled .

Our life goes in attempting to fulfill our desires but those already exist as fulfilled .

Our only attempt should be to access to these fulfilled desires and experience them .

The struggle , frustration , disappointment all lies on the path of attempting to fulfill a fulfilled desire...

It's similar to sowing seeds of mango when mango itself exists hanging from the full grown tree and you aren't able to see it.

You struggle in making the seeds become tree and bear mango in your experience and in doing so you  go through the unnecessary pain while the tree stands fully grown bearing ripe mangoes to be plucked and relished .

When you will align to the vision of seeking the fulfilled destinies then you will be able to experience them effortlessly and all the pain and suffering will simply vanish from your experience and will be replaced by wonder joy excitement and bliss.

Monday, 2 March 2020

Backward integration of Destiny ...

Its proven beyond doubt that the physical world as we see it is nothing but arrangement of atoms in a specific form .

The form is regulated by the energy with which one is vibrating.

The vibrations depend on the thoughts we think and hold on to with emotions. 

The reality of our physical world is that it doesn't exist until our attention falls on it.

So what we call a destiny doesn't exist as we think or understand. 

Because nothing exists in reality so we aren't moving towards anything concrete or a fixed future .

Our present thoughts emotions and actions will not certainly lead us to a specific future unless we are consistent on a particular type of desired thought emotions backed by actions.

But even consistency wont guarantee us the desired output because there are infinite number of factors impacting during the journey plus the lack of knowledge of the correct path towards the destination is major hurdle.

Trial and error is the method adopted and available for such journeys. 

But instead of choosing trial and error method if we use backward integration method then we move to our desired future like a guided missile with a known definite path towards its destiny. 

As the quantum physics has proven that all the possibilities exists together and when our attention falls on a particular possibility with relentless consistency it starts transforming from its waves form of reality into its physical form .

So one must first put ones attention on the desired outcome or future and imagine and create it in our imagination as clearly and in detail as possible .

Then ones the desired future is ready in your imagination then start the backward journey to its womb .

Going into past is easy for a human being
We are masters of the journeys into our past memories and experiences and art comes very naturally and efficiently to us.

Your mind will then carve a path backwards from your future to your present .

Once that path is carved clearly and nicely then the only formality is to walk on it consistently without hesitation and doubt .

There is absolute certainty that you will reach your desired future like a guided missile hits its target .

Saturday, 22 February 2020

Complications of communications...

The challenge with communication is that when one person speaks to the other person the listener is free to derive any convinient meaning of the words spoken by the speaker in the context considered or out of context.

The speaker has whatsoever no control on the internal juggarly of assigning meaning to his words happening in the listeners mind.

The speaker can only assert that the context in which the words are spoken give a specific clear meaning to the listener by choice of his words , tone and expressions .

Most of the time it depends upon the relationship of the speaker with listener or the image of the speaker or impressions on the listener which make an impact on the exercise of giving assigning meaning to the speakers words.

So you see how vulnerable the communicator is when he/ she is communicating to unknown person or group of people who dont know him/her.

Hence many times the leaders who are the speakers or people in authority force people to derive a desired meaning of their words and communication irrespective of what message their words tone and expressions authentically communicate.

In this case temporarily the speaker feels or gets a feeling that he has communicated clearly or successfully and the audience has come into his/ her fold . But in reality the audience fakes it to give a false and favourable response to the speaker for surviving or staying away from unrest .

By conforming to the speaker against their internal will due to authority of the speaker internally the audience has created
a duality, a confusion, a state of indecisiveness which will never ever help the audience to implement the message of speaker effectively in long term as is the objective of the speaker .

So the communicator speaker cannot be successful by forcing the meaning of speech on the listener or audience at the same time if speaker allows freedom to choose the meaning then the audience or listener goes haywire in contemplating what you want to say or convey .

The only way out is to respect the freedom of the interpretation of the listener or audience and slowly , steadily seek cooperation by probing the understanding and nudging them to the desired meaning you want to convey with their participation and will.

You see we and our perceptions about everything are so unique that communication between 2 human beings without a communion is impossible.

We have individual meanings and perceptions unique to us about everything .

So when we communicate we express our ideas with our own perceptions and we have no idea whatsoever about percetion of other person about the same ideas.

Till such time we dont align to other persons perception or help that person to align to yours the communication will be always flawed , patial or fake .

Unless the listener or audience doesn't understand the meaning of speakers speech as desired by the speaker on their own with their whole heart and Will,

it is impossible to get the desired action from the audience or listener on the message.

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

why do your desires and dreams dont become reality ?...

Do you know many a times your dreams or your world of desires is so precious and immensely dear to you that if you pour life of reality into it then it would become reality and as the nature or reality is

It will become past from present and will be buried in your memory only to remember as a pleasant present as it was in your past ..leaving a supposed regret for your future

And the affair with your dreams or desires will come to an end and there will be nothing to look up to ..
The nature or affairs is such that they are blissful and no one secretly wants them to mature into an relationship coz it is death of bliss and the feeling of longing and birth of reality of having it and becoming present ans slowly a past ...

Nothing to get excited about

These are also your illusinary fears which binds you to the pleasure of longing for your desire and dreams keeping them eternally in their non physical state ever as a horizon enticing you all the time to give your attention .

You fall in love of that fascination of future reminisce giving you a pleasure without any binding and interference of the real world, the society and people around you
You are alone with your dreams and desires undisturbed ...

These are some of the psychological webs which your mind has woven and presented as a bed of bliss to you and invitations after invitations are send to you to lie on it and get lost in it

You fall prey for it and whenever your conscious mind takes a note of reality around it then a duality of reality arises and you seem to be lost or torn into parts confused frustrated and lost ...

You keep asking these questions to your self
Why my dream doesn't become reality
Who is controlling my reality and my life
What is preventing my dreams from Becoming reality

Read again from start you will find the thread of reality which has got tangled in your mind preventing your dreams to become an physical experience and your physical reality...