Wednesday, 4 March 2020

All the destinies you desire already exist as fulfilled

The excitement , joy and a sense of empowerment is limitless when you truly realise that the governor of your life and the creator of your destiny sits inside you and are you yourself and none other outside ...

This is true freedom and is a true bliss that ever there exists

Please allow yourself that freedom

You deserve it from your first breath 

All the possible destinies mankind has ever imagined and you can imagine now and anybody in future are already in a fulfilled state inside us

We need to just find access to these destinies and experience them as a celebration of life

The purpose of this body is to experience this ultimate freedom and limitless possibilities and infinite destinies.

The purpose of life is to feed itself it's own grandeur and magnanimity through self fulfillment.

Experiencing which already exists as fulfilled and achieved from time immemorial and that which we trigger through our imagination will also be available for future generations as a reference via the field of memories of our generations.

The legacy we can possibly leave is the idea that just get connected to the infinite field of possibilities and experience that which has been experienced by few exceptional beings in past and that which was always available in fulfilled state.

You need not to attempt to take it to its fulfilled state coz it's already fulfilled .

Our life goes in attempting to fulfill our desires but those already exist as fulfilled .

Our only attempt should be to access to these fulfilled desires and experience them .

The struggle , frustration , disappointment all lies on the path of attempting to fulfill a fulfilled desire...

It's similar to sowing seeds of mango when mango itself exists hanging from the full grown tree and you aren't able to see it.

You struggle in making the seeds become tree and bear mango in your experience and in doing so you  go through the unnecessary pain while the tree stands fully grown bearing ripe mangoes to be plucked and relished .

When you will align to the vision of seeking the fulfilled destinies then you will be able to experience them effortlessly and all the pain and suffering will simply vanish from your experience and will be replaced by wonder joy excitement and bliss.

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