Monday, 2 March 2020

Backward integration of Destiny ...

Its proven beyond doubt that the physical world as we see it is nothing but arrangement of atoms in a specific form .

The form is regulated by the energy with which one is vibrating.

The vibrations depend on the thoughts we think and hold on to with emotions. 

The reality of our physical world is that it doesn't exist until our attention falls on it.

So what we call a destiny doesn't exist as we think or understand. 

Because nothing exists in reality so we aren't moving towards anything concrete or a fixed future .

Our present thoughts emotions and actions will not certainly lead us to a specific future unless we are consistent on a particular type of desired thought emotions backed by actions.

But even consistency wont guarantee us the desired output because there are infinite number of factors impacting during the journey plus the lack of knowledge of the correct path towards the destination is major hurdle.

Trial and error is the method adopted and available for such journeys. 

But instead of choosing trial and error method if we use backward integration method then we move to our desired future like a guided missile with a known definite path towards its destiny. 

As the quantum physics has proven that all the possibilities exists together and when our attention falls on a particular possibility with relentless consistency it starts transforming from its waves form of reality into its physical form .

So one must first put ones attention on the desired outcome or future and imagine and create it in our imagination as clearly and in detail as possible .

Then ones the desired future is ready in your imagination then start the backward journey to its womb .

Going into past is easy for a human being
We are masters of the journeys into our past memories and experiences and art comes very naturally and efficiently to us.

Your mind will then carve a path backwards from your future to your present .

Once that path is carved clearly and nicely then the only formality is to walk on it consistently without hesitation and doubt .

There is absolute certainty that you will reach your desired future like a guided missile hits its target .

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