Sunday, 2 March 2025

Uniqueness our only personality ...

We are made up of same elements but yet our individual structure is unique and further since our birth this uniqueness evolves infinitely at every moment 

We don't even have a gross idea of our uniqueness though from time to time life throws at us innumerable evidences via experiences and events that we are unique and our uniqueness is further branching out into infiniteness every moment. 

Our mind does get gobbled up in this maze and creates short cuts to save itself and keep us away from deluding into the vastness of chaos . It identifies similarities and patterns in every experience to give stability to our life .

These similarities and patterns  are assumed and momentary illusions of our prejudices . Our mind keeps us engaged into these patterns by tying us tightly to it and creates constant resistance every occassion we try to break the patterns and enter into the uncertain infintieness of life.

But life keeps bashing us regularly with its uncertain ever evolving patternlessness and manages to delude us inspite of our minds protection mechanisms .

We do know deeply inside our heart or have some sense that everybody around us is unique and different than us but we still stick to assumed similarities and try to find comfort and peace in it . 

We keep struggling to stick to such false comforts but we don't have choice other than struggling because the other side of this false comfort is complete delusion and abyss of infinite possibilities of uniqueness. 

And we keep fighting, challenging , contradicting .with each other's and keep hopelessly expecting similarity in others and our search for finding oursleves in others never ends .

The quest for finding similarities is even more bewildering than encountering infiniteness but yet we relentlessly every moment keep seeking it and it's the major source of our pain and suffering. 

You might expect after reaching here in the blog  that i am trying to offer you  any solution to deal.with it .

But you might get disappointed that there is no solution other than accepting and constantly aligning but even if I  offer any solution that would be seemingly acceptable, it would still be  generalisation of the issue.

So however hopeless it sounds it is what it is...
Acknowledging the issue dilutes uneasiness and unpleasantness associated with it .
Let me tell you that It takes courage to  even just  conduct our lives till end of this journey from nowhere to nowhere and always assuming that we are reaching somewhere from somewhere..

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Festival of New year Resolutions is here...

Festival of New year Resolutions is here again 

Lots of excitement and enthusiasm in welcoming the new year as usual and yet another opportunity to participate in the festival of Resoltuons for new year .
We repackage the same wishes and aspirations again in new cover of new year and design our NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS..

I do not know frankly what joy it gives us to fool ourselves year after year with more or less same resolutions or many times different resolutions abandoning the yesteryear ones. 

It's fashionable to have resolutions after all no one likes what they do hence all want to change their present and the only way to change is make a resolve to new set of activities and goals. 

But the inertia of our past and the gravitational pull of our set habitual programming doesn't allow us to break the old circle and achieve new resolutions.

I am not saying all fail to act or all land nowhere after creating new resolutions but the number of resolutions created and number of achieved has a huge gap .

Rather I would say we love to keep our dreams at a distance in future so that we can play with them in our imagination.

You see when we create new year resolutions we don't see the gap between them and ourselves. If we do then we may do something about bridging the gap between our dreams , resolutions and our capability. 

At times I also feel deep inside many know that their dreams are far away and no way they can become that person to achieve them or they have no hope or faith to become one, but for the society and their conscious mind they create a facade of resolutions. 

Be it loosing weight , be it getting rid of some addiction, be it developing new habits, be it pursuing something that defines one self or brings joy to oneself , be it anything that will transform one's present or for that matter any thing that is lingering in one's mind as a prospective happiness tool or satisfying and fulfilling tool.

Yes,  sounds ridiculous why would one deprive oneself from happiness ?
But yes overall on the surface we talk passionately about the tools that may give us joy and satisfaction but when it comes to giving it all to get that tool , most intentions fizzle out by FEB end and we are back to same life in March in new year as in last year's March.

We aren't made for such drastic failures but we end up because of our internal insecurities, self doubt, fear of loosing and fear of failing at attempting new things . We get drowned by fake identities given by society to us and live by them instead of discovering our true self.

In that case,   let's be true to atleast  our fake identities and lets not create any resolutions to fool oneself and society. And be committed to our secure present without aspiring for any new thing or new future .

Resolutions are not a festival thing, they are the GODLINESS in ourself. No Resolutions is abandonable , the power of resolutions propels us to our identity of beings with unlimited potential and these Resolutions serve as purpose to pursue our infinite persona  and also testament to our DNA of THE CREATOR.

So with this,  I leave each one of you with your decision to whether fool yourself or honour yourself and the DNA of GOD within you by living your RESOLUTIONS .

Best wishes 
Happy 2025 

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Do Good and Good will happen to you and Do Bad and Bad will happen to you

Do Good and Good will happen to you 
Do Bad and Bad will happen to you 

Most are made to believe in these lines 
And most are able to see most of the times sooner or later the good results for good deeds and bad results for bad deeds and connect with these lines 

But with an exception one only remembers bad deeds and bad results of others 

When we get bad results in our life , we are seldomly ever able to remember what bad we did ...we tend to get confused and blame destiny or others for bringing bad things to us and cursing them that they will get bad results for their bad deeds to you

These kind of innumerable hypocritic things human beings create for self fooling and shying from being aware of own intentions and deeds thereby absolving oneself from them. 

And on top of all these philosophies, fundamentally it's given that they are created by human beings for harmony and peaceful coexistence and not some moral doctrines fallen from sky with rains .

There are Infinite possibilities of consequences of every intention and our deeds . Not necessarily all will be favourable to our assumed subjective well beings. It becomes less chaotic and makes more sense to devise some philosophies to connect the results with actions and also bring certainty to life.

Basically self awareness helps us to free us from all delusional concepts , self destroying philosophies and self disempoering doctrines .

When you practice self awareness it's impossible to indulge in any act that may be detrimental to others and even if unknowingly it becomes detrimental to others your self awareness will help in taking responsibility of the same and make you diligent in life in future instead of being helpless and sulking in despair .

Our productivity in life improves leaps and bounds when we release ourselves from all sorts of self imprisoning belief systems and philosophies imposed on us by society from our childhood.
Those who question or start self enquiry are designated as rebels or fallen from humanity by the society and outcasted  sometimes actively and sometimes passively .

Your every deed and intention behind that deed will have infinite cascading effects on your immediate or far away surrounding . It's impossible to envisage every possibility of the consequence it can bring  to your life . These consequences may be expected or unexpected depending on innumerable factors. 
There impact may be acceptable or not acceptable. 

Your duty or obligation is to be aware when you are putting any intention behind any deed and that's maximum in your capacity while doing karma.
Good or bad isn't universal stamp on each intention or.each deed. It depends on the context and other person's ability to perceive your deeds and its impact as favourable to them or detrimental to them.

Your good can become bad for others and you may or may not get it's proportionate consequence. And your consequence also will get a lable of good or bad depending on your iwn context and ability to perceive it as favourable or detrimental .

So for every unique individual human being there cannot be a universal philosophy of good and bad .
And the philosophy if good and bad that is existing and made to believe is generic for better civil conduct in society for each others harmonious survival and coexistence and not a CODE OF CONDUCT given by the creator. 

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Ravana cannot be killed .....

The battle between Good and evil is going on for immemorial time...
God's themselves have come on this planet according to Hindu mythology and killed demons 
Celebration on Dashera is one such victory of good over evil 
Prabhu Shree Rama in his human avatar has killed Ravana the demon and its celebrated as Dashera for so many years in India ...
The fact of the matter is that even after killing Ravana there were and are Ravanas (demons) in every age since the ages or Rama and Ravana
If Ravana would have been a body then he would have been already dead when Shree Rama killed him.
But Ravana is a potential trait in human beings and hence it cannot be killed .
It can be understood,  sedated , kept under control by not giving attention to it and not allowing it to blossom 
Ravana is a symbol of potential evil trait in life and it completes us 
Ravana is a potential threat , its the darkness which gives meaning to the goodness and light in life 
Ravana cannot be killed it will always coexist as a possibility in us keeping us in balance 
Ravana cannot be killed once for all and then we can live happily ever after 
Ravana is always alive and ready to crop up at anytime 
Ravana can be dormant for immemorial time 
Ravana is within all of us and we see a glimpse every now and then of him , when we get angry , jealous , hateful , lustful , egoistic etc 
Since most of us are able to keep a check on Ravana inside us he doesn't become a demonic threat to ourselves and society around us 
But those who are unable to control and instead give more air to Ravana inside them they manifest the potential and display traits to society and pose a danger to everyone around them 

Hence I say Ravana have to be kept under control and prevented from fulfilling itself as a potential trait into personality every single second of our life .

Ravana will live till Rama wants to live peacefully 
Rama can live peacefully only when he keeps Ravana under control for ever by constantly preventing its any head to crop up and create havoc for society 

Ravana cannot be killed but can be controlled....

Saturday, 26 March 2022



There are 2 ways to understand life and explore its ecstacies

1)  Going beyond our mind by doing Meditation
2) With our mind

The first one is easily said than done for most of us

2nd one can be attempted
But for using mind we must have more resources for the mind to make sense of it
More resources means more information and more knowledge for mind to create favourable links with the knowledge and bring the desired output for you.

Reading is the easiest way to accumulate knowledge and perspective of authors who spent their lives in mastering it.
By Reading and understanding you are accumulating life time of an individuals work within few days
So you are moving far ahead compared to others who haven't had opportunity to read and expand their perspectives.
Reading stimulates your thought process and breaks the monotony of thinking pattern in which we have jailed ourselves .

Reading disconnects you from your present world and surroundings if you completely immerse into it
When your mind forgets the present reality only then it can help you create new realities.

Reading improves your vocabulary and have favourable impact on your writing skills and speaking skills
Your overall communication improves when you read
Choose topics which interests you and will enhance your quality of life
Choose topics which will improve your chances to achieve your goal in life
Understand ...
How life forces work ,
How change in perspective changes your world
Don't stop reading after your school and college education is completed
Read so that you can expand and grow
Without expanding your knoweldge you cannot grow


Mind is such that it will accept all you put inside it but will only start working on it once you revisit it again and again with an intention to make sense of it with existing knoweldge you have in your mind

Reflecting on what you read is utmost important or else like the waves of oceans which vanish into ocean again if not captured

The knoweldge you gathered by reading will vanish deep inside the ocean of your mind .

You must make sense of things which you have read and then mix it with what you knowledge you already have in your mind

Reflecting smokes life into the material you read and then its your responsibility to create desired possibilities with it


After you Read and Reflect you must then mull over it and allow it to take a form of perspective in your mind
Ruminate with your knowledge,  earlier experiences and your future goals
Slowly mind will get hold of it and as you keep Ruminate over it mind will present to you a magical outcome interms of a out of box idea or  a solution to your problems or a new perspective which will change the way you look at your problem and it will  no more seem a problem.
Your life will transform into unimaginable ways..
Because once you Read Reflect and Ruminate then you will reach a stage where you will take action in that direction and every action taken has guaranteed  outcome ...

Read , Reflect and Ruminate

Sunday, 19 September 2021

Erroneous Zones of life ....

What are Erroneous Zones ?

Zones which we must avoid and move out
These zones slow you and postpone your achievement of true potential
These zones drag you into a helpless , anxious, sad and painful journey of life making you believe that life is tough and someone else controls your destiny

In his book "Your Erroneous zone " Dr Wayne Dyer shortlists and explores the most common erroneous zones in which most of us get into ..

He dives deeper into each erroneous zone and disects them in 3 ways

1)  Understanding each erroneous zone
2) why do we stick to them inspite of being unhappy and having a self sabotaging effects on our life experience
3) what can be done to avoid or move away from them

The erroneous zones he explored are

1) Giving charge of our well being to others
2) Puting others ahead over our ownself 
3) Living life as per the labels of personality , rituals , likes and dislikes of others and society
In short needing approval for survival
4)  Trapped in past and emotions build over past life
5) Sticking to familiar zones of life and avoiding unknown zones
6) playing blame game the ultimate saviour and getting into viscous circle of should and must activites in life inspite of personal dislikes for them
7) Being imprisoned in the concept of justice and expectation of a fair life and playing victim game
8) Procrastination the self deceiving habit
9) Dependency attitude
10) Anger zone

I could relate with each zone personally and have gone through many of them and trapped in some of them myself

My personal favourites and aaha !  moments from this book are :

a) Clearity on right vs wrong
b) Justice seeking concept
c) elaboration on thought and feeling
d) futility of compulsions in life
f) labels given by others society and accepted by us and living our life to fulfil them

You see...
 Some books enhance your knoweldge 
 Some widen your perspectives
Some stir you and compel you to relook life and transform
Some inspire  and motivate you

I have come to this book after reading and pondering on hundreds of books on self exploration and hence was already more or less exposed to these zones and their damaging impact on human beings

For me the concept in this book were a  reassurance  that these are the Zones which dilute the power and magnanimity of being human

And certainly they deepened by perspectives on some of the concepts of these zones 

A compelling read to success hunters and wellbeing seekers in life

Bless the soul of the author 

Monday, 26 April 2021

What to say of these times ? Covid period

You see life is not linear

Human mind always favours and loves linearity

It wants all in its control and always all has to add up

But Mathematics of life doesn't add 2 and 2 to 4


Sometimes fear will help you survive and grow

Sometimes fearlessness will help you survive and thrive. 

We think we know when to be fearful or fearless

But only in hindsight we come to know what was needed fearfulness or fearlessness

So its a grey area of life which we take granted as white and black due to blurring of our vision by our ego

See our mind can be trained to work with our senses or without them

The  situation which we are going through is more hazier than ever

We want to see something but we are able to see exactly opposite

We are in a perfect illusionary situation as we are always...

But due to danger and threat we are aware about it this time

So whether I speak in favour of fear or against in both cases I may appeal to some and disappoint others

Coz our mind is most wavering this time and we have lost all our supporting beliefs and concepts of health and life ..our pychologocal bunkers of certainties are blasted in and out by the pandemic...

Its time to witness and encourage your mind and feelings to constantly be in favour of your wellbeing

Its perfect time to Witness without reacting too much on either side

Our senses  have enough exposure of threat  to our  survival  and dealing with them without any evidence is the task at hand ..

Basically our fears are due to our attachments
Without attachments the spice of life also vanishes
We haven't reached to a state of being of enjoying the blandness of life ...

You see when you reach one side of life other side looks different
And when you reach that side of life then again your earlier side looks different

The crux of life is 

To enjoy and experience the difference and variety of life
But we waste our life in comparing the different sides 

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Dealing with empty heads in Power/ Authority

Firstly an ideal situation is to not have empty heads in power/ Authority 
But life is far from ideal and full of contradictions 
Its really unclear whether some become  empty heads after getting in power / Authority or they reach there as empty heads.

Nevertheless it is certainly a unpleasant experience to have a empty head in power and authority over you  when you have a sound,  thinking evolved mind,

But its not an delusional or hopeless situation but rather a tough or tricky and frustrating surely.

So this puts some of us or many of us if I say so liberaly at cusp of a situation where we have to deal with them or avoid empty heads in power.

Whatever we choose to do either deal or avoid but we cannot ignore them .

Aligning with them is the only solution but without loosing your head becoming empty head yourself .
Don't argue , avoid challenging  them in any situation when engaging one to one or in groups with them.

Attempt to understand their point of view however pointless or shallow it may seem .

Your Art of communication is  put to test when you are dealing with empty heads in power/ authority 

Any psychological threat from you will agitate , aggravate, irritate them and they may turn against you .

However I am not advocating slavery or total yes manship but a middle way with them 

Its very easy to get frustrated while dealing with them . Hence a  high level of self motivation  and broad perspective is required on matters dealing with them 

Patience is key in order to successfully engage with them 

Its rather easy using them to your advantage if you win their trust. 

Finding out what is imp to them and making  them dependent on you in that regards is key to success.

If you have a choice you may avoid their association but there is no guarantee that once you avoid them in one situation you will not encounter them in your life again..

A million dollar question which you have in your mind while reading this blog is...

How do empty heads get into a position of authority / power ?

There is no template answer for this question though some pointers ..

Are we  fools to allow them to reach such position by our lack of vision ?

Then how  Mr Trump was a popular choice for presidential position and then most hated him and voted out on 4 years 

But one must understand that ...
Human being is a very complex and intriguing being and evolving since many centuries and its difficult to understand the self destructive ways in which we keep dealing with our own life 

Empty heads have a knack of impressing people with their charm , perception managing skills and winning trust of people inspite of their hollowness or severe short handed ness for the position or authority   

Their core strength is alignment , positioning themselves in the spot of favoritism and as a person who can provide solution to all problems. 

They surrender unconditionally to their authorities to get into power 

Their values are very clear ...
 To impress at any cost even if there words are hollow and lack substance and weight. 

They cuddle the most important thing in human beings life that is EGO of people who have power or authority over them.

You got to manage empty heads in power/ authority because they certainly are around and have impact on your life and quality of life .

Americans managed Mr Trump for 4 years then at appropriate time ditched him or he got himself ditched by his deeds.

So empty heads about whom we are talking here are in all strata of life and sections of life

Personal ,  corporate  , social and political life 

Many may shrug that calling somebody a  empty head itself is a subjective thing and cannot be generalised 

But we aren't talking about those subjective supposed empty heads  for every individual 

The empty heads in power/ Authority in discussion here are those who are designated as empty heads collectively  by most of the  people around them if not all .

We must deal with them by uniting together with an idea that if they want to continue in power / authority then they have to fill their heads with some wisdom or else they will be shown way out of the circle respectfully as shown to many in history...

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Nepotism vs Talent

Tussle between Nepotism and Talent

This is a psychological battle going on these days...but this is not a recent eruption of dispute is old tryst..going on for several centuries and is a human behavioural trait related to survival and anxiety of uncertain future...

Let me explain you..

In Indian mythology more than 5000 years back as well there was Nepotism

Dronacharya who asked for eklavya's thumb as a fee for learning archery using his idol

Karna the 6th brother or pandavas  was denied to participate in contest to win Princess drapaudi only coz he didn't belong the Kings lineage

And many many such countless instances are repeatedly observed throughout the history of mankind.

A doctors son can become a doctor and has all the resources available for him unlike a son of farmer wanting to become a doctor..

The choice to break the family tradition of a profession is new journey which has no trail in memories of your genes and it will be both ardous and exhilarating..

If a farmers son wants to become a better farmer then he has all the resources including the memories of genes and support of Father..

You see you can't blame Mukesh Ambani's son for being in a advantageous position as far as deep pockets and business acumen and legacy is concerned...

His grandfather created a new type of genes memory for his future generation..

The fight and dispute will go on

Sometimes the talent will win

Sometimes the nepotism psyche will win

Is it fair to defeat each other via any means?

This question itself is absurd

Who will decide whats fair and whats unfair ..

Everything is subjective ...

You see the good or the bad are our meanings assigned to acts and events...

The morality in our society is like a scarecrow in the fields ..

Scarecrow help to scare birds from damaging the crops and morality is also helps to keep the demons inside us in control ..

But the scarecrow and the morality in reality don't exist and their existence depends upon our acceptance without challenging them ..

if birds overrules the scare crow they will find its nothing and it does happen and you see birds both sitting ans shiting on the scarecrow

Thia happens when you get used to the fear of something

Same is with morality ..

we get used to it and then make mockery of it with acts which blacken the so called humanity

You see

Our existence can be because of somebody's absence or due to somebody's presence ..

Both are possibilities and depends upon ones imagination and attention given to that imagination...

Both possibilities has potential to become your subjective reality...

Sunday, 15 March 2020

We have become Polluted and diluted Creator. ..

Regrets and morality both are inseperable part of our life...rather inevitable parents of our sad destinies...
Let me explain ...

We choose regret over supposed immorality...
We choose to be self righteous or people pleaser rather than being faithful to our desires and inner self and create regret stories instead of happy stories

Do you know we all have our own personal world ...

The world of our thoughts and associated emotions ..

And we are so lost and confused that we keep seeking personal space in every body's heart and minds ...

We keep seeking personal space from society after not guarding and allowing society to  intrude into your personal world...

Your personal world have been hijacked and you are not even aware that you had one

That's the sadest part of your life compared to all the self created and self fed sadness that is in your life .

Your personal world of thoughts, emotions and imagination is the real world which keeps expressing or extrapulating itself into a physical world that is  tangible to your senses

And we allow other worlds to dominate our personal world  and sabotage it for fake , insignificant and unforgiving reasons ...

We have accepted that that's the way life has to be lived and that's what all do and we also must abide the rules and regulations of life and society

But let me tell you that life doesn't have any restrictions of rules and regulations , nor it evaluates your acts as
Good or bad , moral or immoral

Life only yields to what you seek and allow it to come to you

Life is a yielding machine without any bias , partiality , discrimination of any sort you can imagine

Life provides you freedom and power
And you cant handle it so you squander it and make a mess of it and like a child then blame your creator .
And when you cant find him or feel him with your senses then you convinienetly create for your self a personal creator with human like features and behaviours ( little ideal or aspirational human ) and likes and dislikes.

So that you can call your self a helpless child and keep asking for help to your creator and keep blaming creator for your misfortune or irresponsible attitude to precious life.

Most of you would disagree here or become little defensive on this point and even attempt to shrug my post for putting you in spot .

But you cant believe that you are creator because you have surrendered the power and free will and ability to influence your own destiny long back under pressure of elders or society and then it got on with you as a matter of convinience and conforming to society

And that's when you diluted your powers as creator of your own destiny and your life ...

Signature of life ...

Life is not all about yes yes and yes ...
There are equal no no no if not more ...

If we would know how all works and we were successful at doing each and everything without struggle and challenge then life would be more painful than now ...

It would be so predictable, robotic and bland to conduct such life where you just go through everything knowing exactly what to do and what would be outcome.

The fun 
The excitement
The adventure
The anxiety 
The unsurity
The uneasiness of every moment
The crest and trough of emotions 
The peaks of happiness and valleys of pain
All these are  SIGNATURES OF LIFE ...

We are in pursuit of staying away from these things Actually we are in pursuit of keeping 
our selves away from the very essence the signature of life .

Our purpose of life cannot be staying away from life. We cannot dodge life and expect to experience the grandeur of life .

You cant dream or desire to erase the signature bcoz life wouldn't be there without its signature..

The dead are away from all the supposed  dangers and perils of life .

The dead have no worries no anxieties no fear of anything no excitement no happiness and no pain 

These are signs and signatures of life ...

Allow yourself the experience of the curves of the signature of life  , the highs the lows, linearity , non linearity,  curls and whirls of the signature .

You cant experience the ecstasy which life holds as a pinnacle of expeoence till you expose yourself to the unknown and uncertain patterns of life .

You cannot know what are the peaks like if you havent known the valleys .

Because our pleasures exist in comparison to our pain.
They cannot exist independently 
They exist only because they can be compared 
Darkness will have no experience to offer to us if we haven't known the light. 

So shun the pursuit of running away from the uncertainties of life and embrace them with both hands for the joy and happiness of life behind the veil of unknown...

The known is dead predictable dull and certain 
So release it and go beyond it 

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

All the destinies you desire already exist as fulfilled

The excitement , joy and a sense of empowerment is limitless when you truly realise that the governor of your life and the creator of your destiny sits inside you and are you yourself and none other outside ...

This is true freedom and is a true bliss that ever there exists

Please allow yourself that freedom

You deserve it from your first breath 

All the possible destinies mankind has ever imagined and you can imagine now and anybody in future are already in a fulfilled state inside us

We need to just find access to these destinies and experience them as a celebration of life

The purpose of this body is to experience this ultimate freedom and limitless possibilities and infinite destinies.

The purpose of life is to feed itself it's own grandeur and magnanimity through self fulfillment.

Experiencing which already exists as fulfilled and achieved from time immemorial and that which we trigger through our imagination will also be available for future generations as a reference via the field of memories of our generations.

The legacy we can possibly leave is the idea that just get connected to the infinite field of possibilities and experience that which has been experienced by few exceptional beings in past and that which was always available in fulfilled state.

You need not to attempt to take it to its fulfilled state coz it's already fulfilled .

Our life goes in attempting to fulfill our desires but those already exist as fulfilled .

Our only attempt should be to access to these fulfilled desires and experience them .

The struggle , frustration , disappointment all lies on the path of attempting to fulfill a fulfilled desire...

It's similar to sowing seeds of mango when mango itself exists hanging from the full grown tree and you aren't able to see it.

You struggle in making the seeds become tree and bear mango in your experience and in doing so you  go through the unnecessary pain while the tree stands fully grown bearing ripe mangoes to be plucked and relished .

When you will align to the vision of seeking the fulfilled destinies then you will be able to experience them effortlessly and all the pain and suffering will simply vanish from your experience and will be replaced by wonder joy excitement and bliss.

Monday, 2 March 2020

Backward integration of Destiny ...

Its proven beyond doubt that the physical world as we see it is nothing but arrangement of atoms in a specific form .

The form is regulated by the energy with which one is vibrating.

The vibrations depend on the thoughts we think and hold on to with emotions. 

The reality of our physical world is that it doesn't exist until our attention falls on it.

So what we call a destiny doesn't exist as we think or understand. 

Because nothing exists in reality so we aren't moving towards anything concrete or a fixed future .

Our present thoughts emotions and actions will not certainly lead us to a specific future unless we are consistent on a particular type of desired thought emotions backed by actions.

But even consistency wont guarantee us the desired output because there are infinite number of factors impacting during the journey plus the lack of knowledge of the correct path towards the destination is major hurdle.

Trial and error is the method adopted and available for such journeys. 

But instead of choosing trial and error method if we use backward integration method then we move to our desired future like a guided missile with a known definite path towards its destiny. 

As the quantum physics has proven that all the possibilities exists together and when our attention falls on a particular possibility with relentless consistency it starts transforming from its waves form of reality into its physical form .

So one must first put ones attention on the desired outcome or future and imagine and create it in our imagination as clearly and in detail as possible .

Then ones the desired future is ready in your imagination then start the backward journey to its womb .

Going into past is easy for a human being
We are masters of the journeys into our past memories and experiences and art comes very naturally and efficiently to us.

Your mind will then carve a path backwards from your future to your present .

Once that path is carved clearly and nicely then the only formality is to walk on it consistently without hesitation and doubt .

There is absolute certainty that you will reach your desired future like a guided missile hits its target .

Saturday, 22 February 2020

Complications of communications...

The challenge with communication is that when one person speaks to the other person the listener is free to derive any convinient meaning of the words spoken by the speaker in the context considered or out of context.

The speaker has whatsoever no control on the internal juggarly of assigning meaning to his words happening in the listeners mind.

The speaker can only assert that the context in which the words are spoken give a specific clear meaning to the listener by choice of his words , tone and expressions .

Most of the time it depends upon the relationship of the speaker with listener or the image of the speaker or impressions on the listener which make an impact on the exercise of giving assigning meaning to the speakers words.

So you see how vulnerable the communicator is when he/ she is communicating to unknown person or group of people who dont know him/her.

Hence many times the leaders who are the speakers or people in authority force people to derive a desired meaning of their words and communication irrespective of what message their words tone and expressions authentically communicate.

In this case temporarily the speaker feels or gets a feeling that he has communicated clearly or successfully and the audience has come into his/ her fold . But in reality the audience fakes it to give a false and favourable response to the speaker for surviving or staying away from unrest .

By conforming to the speaker against their internal will due to authority of the speaker internally the audience has created
a duality, a confusion, a state of indecisiveness which will never ever help the audience to implement the message of speaker effectively in long term as is the objective of the speaker .

So the communicator speaker cannot be successful by forcing the meaning of speech on the listener or audience at the same time if speaker allows freedom to choose the meaning then the audience or listener goes haywire in contemplating what you want to say or convey .

The only way out is to respect the freedom of the interpretation of the listener or audience and slowly , steadily seek cooperation by probing the understanding and nudging them to the desired meaning you want to convey with their participation and will.

You see we and our perceptions about everything are so unique that communication between 2 human beings without a communion is impossible.

We have individual meanings and perceptions unique to us about everything .

So when we communicate we express our ideas with our own perceptions and we have no idea whatsoever about percetion of other person about the same ideas.

Till such time we dont align to other persons perception or help that person to align to yours the communication will be always flawed , patial or fake .

Unless the listener or audience doesn't understand the meaning of speakers speech as desired by the speaker on their own with their whole heart and Will,

it is impossible to get the desired action from the audience or listener on the message.

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

why do your desires and dreams dont become reality ?...

Do you know many a times your dreams or your world of desires is so precious and immensely dear to you that if you pour life of reality into it then it would become reality and as the nature or reality is

It will become past from present and will be buried in your memory only to remember as a pleasant present as it was in your past ..leaving a supposed regret for your future

And the affair with your dreams or desires will come to an end and there will be nothing to look up to ..
The nature or affairs is such that they are blissful and no one secretly wants them to mature into an relationship coz it is death of bliss and the feeling of longing and birth of reality of having it and becoming present ans slowly a past ...

Nothing to get excited about

These are also your illusinary fears which binds you to the pleasure of longing for your desire and dreams keeping them eternally in their non physical state ever as a horizon enticing you all the time to give your attention .

You fall in love of that fascination of future reminisce giving you a pleasure without any binding and interference of the real world, the society and people around you
You are alone with your dreams and desires undisturbed ...

These are some of the psychological webs which your mind has woven and presented as a bed of bliss to you and invitations after invitations are send to you to lie on it and get lost in it

You fall prey for it and whenever your conscious mind takes a note of reality around it then a duality of reality arises and you seem to be lost or torn into parts confused frustrated and lost ...

You keep asking these questions to your self
Why my dream doesn't become reality
Who is controlling my reality and my life
What is preventing my dreams from Becoming reality

Read again from start you will find the thread of reality which has got tangled in your mind preventing your dreams to become an physical experience and your physical reality...

Sunday, 17 November 2019

A phenomenon called Human Being

Human being has so flexible nature that mostly one doesn't recognise what is it ..

Human being has potential to get influenced by the surrounding and develop a adaptability philosophy to fit in the circumstances willingly or unwillingly ..

At the same time human being has potential to influence the surrounding by continuously reinforcing own philosophy...

When we , human beings allow the surrounding circumstances to influence our life then to safe guard own self we create a pseudo identities to blame, be it other people , God or concept of fate / destiny

When human being takes control and influences the surrounding circumstances as per own philosophy then he/ she proclaims that we are the masters of our destiny

Both situations come accross as realities and this blog doesn't intend to discuss the nature of reality coz its another topic altogether

But even if assume that these 2 situations are realities then when we have the control and can influence the surrounding without being weak and helpless why must we choose to be meek and live a life of helpless being dependent on supposed predestined fate

Its mere laziness and high handed approach to our life which prevents us from experiencing the grandeur of life ...

But critical self evaluation is an exercise which human beings avoid throughout life till death
And hence unknowingly stay away from the fountains of pleasure and ecstasy...

Friday, 15 November 2019

Web of time and seed of creation

You can change your past present and future whenever you want ...

Do u want to know how?

Do you know past is a memory and an event with association of emotions feeling and experience based on our interpretation...

Our interpretations are never holistic and complete due to our shallow perceptions of reality and quick convinient assumptions...

When you change the emotions feelings with your past by improving your perception of the event in as broader perspective then your understanding of past changes and with that you release the memory and replace it with new one creating a new past ...

For example

When you wanted to watch a movie or play but your parents didnt allow you and it created a painfull experience of lack of freedom & oppression at that time which u carry as a memory for long time as painful past ...but when you look back it with broader perspective of you studying that time and benefiting immensely from it in your present then you release the pain associated with that event and convert it into necessary sacrifice and...
Bless your parents for not allowing you and in doing so change your memory of that event and so your past

We misunderstand mostly in life

But when we realise it then our past changes and with it even present state changes and definitely future changes when with our new present

Our past present and future is nothing but holograms of our perceptions evaluations and interpretations of the reality we experience and the nature of reality is fluid as its holographic and hence has a potential to evolve constantly for an infinite time ...

All this happens only in our mind and that's the point to be noted about life

It starts at thought level , keep transforming with it and ends at our thought level .

The matter and experience is an extrapulation of our thoughts .

Life is an expression of our thoughts , feelings and emotions .

Understand your thoughts feelings and emotions and take control of them and use them to create your desired life ...

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Our surroundings and our future

Our surroundings and environments are very seductive and intoxicating and hence their influence on our present and future is significant...

Our body has 70% water and earth also has 70% water and when there is full moon and no moon then there is high tide and low tide..
It has a significant amount of influence on our energies and behaviours

But we as human beings have power to ignore or launch ourselves into a state of being which is different then our present surroundings dictate to us

We as human beings have the ability to not get affected by the surroundings and the high and low tides

We as human beings can choose to react differently to our surroundings and effects of the tides

We as human beings can design our surroundings

We as human beings can stick to our designs irrespective of any tangible proofs of their existence

We as human beings can influence our surroundings and create new realities

Just have to step aside from our compulsive logical habit of surrendering to the surrounding and our present realities ...

Present surroundings are the effects of our past thoughts, emotions and actions

Our past cannot influence our future
There is our present between our past and future.

We have the ability to influence our present and so our future .

We are our own past present and future

There is no time or space as past present and future

Its our interpretation and in reality our state of being is our past present and future

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Like Spiderman, humans need support totems

Imagine spiderman wanting to fly and jump from one place to another and he releases his sticky net into the sky and it has no support to hold and it falls on to the ground ...

Would spiderman be able to jump and fly without something supporting his net ?

We human being have the same technology to jump from one reality to another reality or from present reality to future reality...

We release our thoughts , desires and dreams into the universe and if it doesn't have any support to stick then we are stuck into one place only ...

The support for our net of desires , thoughts and dreams is varied with different people

It could be hope for some
It could be god for some
It could be faith for some
It could be self belief for some
It could be some person for some
It could be some past experience for some
It could be some purpose for some

So you see we need these supports or I can say sticky walls to which we can hang and move ahead to new reality or new future ...

Without them our thoughts desires and dreams just fall apart on the ground like the net of spiderman without sky scrapers and towers ...

The infinite height of sky and the infinite ground to cover is a too big ask for human being to cover without any support ...

The journey of life without support is
meaning less , purposeless and hopeless ..

And hence those who loose these supports or have a feeling that they have no support ( hope , purpose , faith etc etc) sulk and reach a dead end of their journey of life ...

These crutches or supports are all psychological and however tangible they may appear in nature in reality ...

So it's easy to have a sense of having them and at the same time feel that one has none...

If at all one considers life a journey and cant find everything at present point then without these supports it's not possible to consider the prospect of conducting the journey...

Because those who do not need these support totems are rarest rare few Buddhas who have gotten all at one place and need no journey to feel the vacuum of their life ...

For rest of us we need support totems and must not hesitate to accept and conduct our journey using them ...

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Power to Imagine is a boon turned into curse

You ability to imagine will decide whether your future will be new or same dead  past repeating itself with minor changes here and there ..

Your mind can entangle you to your past and repeat it as your present and future forever ..

Same mind can break the inertia of your past and use its power to imagine new reality resulting into a new experience new sensation and new possibility of future ...

You don't need to necessarily take an effort and go out of the way to influence anybody in this world..

If you are able to influence your own perceptions,  thought patterns , belief systems into new better expanding versions of themselves then its more than enough for you and the world around you ...

The world will automatically get influenced on its own and align to you ...

There isn't anything ( activity , place , environment, people etc etc) that you can dislike in this world

But if by hard work or intense efforts you have gotten your self in a situation that you don't like what's happening in your life then you can just simply use your brain to imagine a new situation favorable and likeable to you with complete intricate details and be with that imagination and live in that imagination...

And soon your intense longing will push you unconsciously to take action and bring your imagination into your reality...

So the seeds of your new realities lie in your ability to imagine new realities without getting influenced by your past or present experiences and realities ...

All the people who are dead cannot be ia part of our realities because they are gone unless you keep them alive in your imagination and forget your present surroundings and present reality which is devoid of them...

You see,  those who are gone can become a part of our realities only through our imagination and we can even feel their presence as spirits or some sort of energy around us ...

And its extremely difficult for somebody to accept that somebody is feeling the presence of their deceased loved ones as reality except for the one who is imagining and feeling it as a experience...

This is power of imagination but we use it to expand our fears, we use it to bring into our realities that which we don't want and that we hate ...

Imagination is a tool to design our life but If we use it to destroy and invoke pain and suffering in our life then no one can help us ...

Friday, 11 October 2019

Fake it till you make it... is it true ?

First of all these are mind games

Science has proven that mind is not capable of understanding whether its real or unreal

The mind can give you pain at the thought of a past painful experience which doesn't exist in present and also make you happy about a future planned holiday which is not yet in your experience

Fooling ones mind is the most common event happening on this planet for ages.

You see if you go to the basics of quantum physics then no matter exists until energy or attention is given to any pattern till it breaks its pattern of waves and becomes matter

So what's fake and what's real is a really tricky question posed by the mind to itself creating a duality in which the human existence is entangled since immemorial time ...

If no matter exists then whats fake and what's real is very subjective and can be challenged anytime and everytime

Most cant believe anything until it's a tangible experience for them or its authenticated by some people or some authority whom they have belief and trust them ...

So fake it to make it is actually
Fool your mind till it makes no attempt to interpret the difference in experience and imagination and surely mind will it self bring it into reality without knowing it.

Coz untill the mind is interpreting the difference between the real and imagination it is itself creating a resistance in converting the wave pattern of infinite possibilities into a subjective desired reality

When the mind immerses itself in the imagination to such an extent that it looses its identity or we can say the ego dissolves then it opens up the infinite path of possibilities which always exist but not perceptive to us due to the veil of mind

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Does destiny exists ? What is destiny ?

What is destiny ?

It is a definite outcome of an activity or input
Irrespective of your intentions , desires and expectations.

Our body has a destiny and it is Death
It will certainly perish no doubt,  but how and when depends upon the energy which is inside the body...

The energy inside the body can be called as soul or life and  has no fixed identity and destiny
It's a energy field of infinite possibilities

Our confusion about destiny is due to combination of body and this energy which confuses us into a pseudo identity which feels there is destiny when it identifies itself as body and when it identifies itself as energy then it realises there isn't destiny

And between this oscillating identification the whole life is spent in a dilemma.

The dilemma is

Should I ?

Stop doing anything if destiny is fixed coz whatever I do the outcome is not going to change so why do I bother to put any effort

I take the control of my destiny coz it's not fixed and is a mere outcome of my own thoughts and dedicated action .

Let's see a example to understand clearly ...

The destiny of a mango seed is to yield mangoes but whether the seed will be sown and nurtured or it will be sown and will get destroyed due to the weather or any other external calamity or the seed will be destroyed and possibility of yielding
mangoes will be finished , all this is not fixed

Same is with human beings we are a potential and our destiny as a body is fixed but before the destiny arrives we have potential to yield anything

But we are confused because of

The simple reality that the vessel which carries energy / life has a destiny but the energy / life has no fixed destiny , it's only a field of infinite possibilities constantly ever changing flexible phenomemon..

You see life does not have one destiny but infinite destinies ...and it depends on what you choose to work upon at a particular time and it will yield and it has to yield...

You can say TO YIELD is LIFE's DESTINY..

Friday, 27 September 2019

Phenomenon called Regenartion of life

Regeneration is the only activity happening in life

No point in attaching ourselves to anything

If our body gets attached to our old cells
Would we continue to be alive
Every moment cells die and regeneration keeps happening

Every moment everything dies in a sense and loses its life or makes way for new moment

The life of a single moment keeps renewing itself and with every moment all that is and all that exists also re generates

We get attached and stuck to dead moments and dead past and corpses of memories and after all this we contemplate that there is no freshness in life , nothing new happening

We look at life with same specs of past and it seems same to us because whatever you give attention only that will be visible to you
That's the beauty or you may call illusion of life

But in reality ...

Every moment entire universe takes a new identity and we are so attached to our own old universe that the new universe is invisible to us
Life is invisible to us
We just keep dragging ourselves throughout the life

Extreme alertness is required to witness this constant regeneration and feel it and experience it and enjoy it

But we deluge ourselves in unconsciousness by intoxication of substances or alcohol or our unproductive chatter of thoughts and stay far away from witnessing this unfolding grandeur of life every moment ...

Open eyes of your being and look at the constant entertainment of regeneration, constant refreshment of universe

So much is going on and infinite new things are created every moment that even if you are fully alert its impossible to cope with all of it

But when you are alert at least you can witness part of it and part of it is more than enough for will make our lives worth every breath..

Its utterly impossible to get bored in life

It requires lots of efforts and skills to get bored with variety that life throws at us

Detoxification is not required
Dettachement is required

Free yourselves from pain and pleasure of attachments and get injected with constant joy of witnessing the show of life

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Our future and our life

The difference between a open unlimited possibilities of future and a limited shrunken future is ....

our planning of future ..
our fears of uncertainties..
our relentless need for certainty and security...

By planning we limit our future and shrunk it and by following our plan to the end we confirm the limitedness of our future...

when we dont plan we keep our future open for unlimited possibilities ..

The contrast is also true that when we plan and commit then only we can get anything we desire but then that anything you get is at cost of every other possibility which could be better / bigger or smaller/worse  than that thing which you settle for...

Now the whole confusion of human being is to keep the future open for infinite possibilities and face the uncertainty or to limit by choosing one future and commit to it ..

Also the infinite possibilities blur vision of most of us to the extent that we are unable to decide what future we want out of the infinite possibilities...

Even if we choose one future and plan to achieve it then too after achieving it ...the infinite possibilities haunt us and we again move to another goal...something in us finds dead end of everything soon and frustrates us to find new thing and this cycle repeats ...

The cycle and frustration stops only when we realize that we cant get all of it and in exploring each moment and accepting the outcome gives us unlimited joy and variety to our experiences and freedom from boredom but only if we deal with anxieties and uncertainties which come along this path...

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Why making decision is utmost important in life ?...

Because  till you do not decide infinite possibilities and outcomes are possible and this state can exist for infinite time and you hang in that time and space for infinte time ...

Human beings can get excited with possibility of any thing but they cannot be in this state throughout life without seeking any specific outcome...Or else it's boring and pointless to just think that anything can happen but not get to any outcome

Just knowing that infinite possibilities are always possible is not enough
We got to get to experience possibilities
Coz we cannot experience anything meaningful if we are only in the state of anything is possible ..

That's where our purpose of existence comes
To desire a specific possibility
And not just desire but decide that you want to have that possibility as an experience

When you decide then the infinite possibilities start collapsing to ensure to leave only one possibility that you decide to have as an experience...

That's the importance of making decision they give a finitism and meaning to our life experiences

Or else you will see many people caught in infinite loop of indecision and stuck in a particular type of state for years and life time ...

So decide..

And there is no right and wrong decision at all
You cannot take a perfect decision anytime in life
Coz there are infinite factors influencing it
And it's impossible to consider all factors and then take decision bcoz these factors are firstly infinite and next constantly changing from moment to moment making it impossible to reach a perfect moment ...

So decide with your whole life force and then stay with your decision
If you have taken right decision  then swift manifestation of it into reality will happen

If you have taken wrong or a decision with which you are completely non aligned in present moment then also universal forces will align and bring it in reality swiftly just your perception of it will make you feel that it's delayed ...

So without making decision you see you will be hanging in limbo in the world of infinite possibility completely confused , frustrated , delusional and disoriented ..

Saturday, 1 June 2019

Cause -Effect - Cause

Cause and effect in infinite loop is life...
Effect is influenced by the cause ...
which means our future is influenced by our present and our present is influenced by our past ...
Past is the cause for present and present is the cause for future...
But do you know that the effect can influence the cause?
Your future can influence your present and your present can influence your past ...
If you are still with me then you would have only one question
How ?
So here is how past is memory and future is our projection which has not yet arrived ..
Actually all tenses exist in present but let me simplify it for you
The mind does not know the difference between real and imagined world ...
So if you project a desirable future and feel how it's like to be in it then you create a reality for your mind and it starts thinking that the event has happened and it starts bridging the gap between your present and your desired future...
Which means that if you constantly imagine about your future and feel it like it is happening it means that you creating the effect and
the effect would then influence mind to create the cause in your present and that's how your effect influences cause and future influences your present...
When your present gets influenced and cause is created in reality then the effect follows later
And you know that when you reach future then your present becomes past and so you have influenced your past as well ...

Thursday, 9 May 2019

2 wheeler psychology - Mumbai

2 wheeler psychology  (India Mumbai) ...

This is a very progressive and enterprising psychology but only implementable when riding 2 wheeler on roads...

This psychology has all ingredients of success, growth, resilience untiring zest to find one's way , restlessness to reach to goal , innovation, risk taking abilities and highest value of time and its utilization .

When one see a biker on the road you will see he or she never gets bogged down with any number of vehicles, any traffic lane rules, wherever there is slight possibility of moving ahead even at the cost of damaging own or others vehicle the risk is taken unhesitatingly
A biker thinks nothing can stop him from moving forward, be it traffic, small spaces between 2 your vehicles , be it footpath or pavement or service road or divider or overtaking opportunity on a narrow lane at the risk of blocking the road and making it one way...

A biker uses time as if every second is important and every second delay would cost him or her crores of rupees if wasted standing in a traffic quietly and patiently ...

Motivation at highest level to make way or reach somewhere, tremendous energy to manoeuvre vehicle umpteen times without tiring and getting frustrating

Team work is at peak the bikers a'll team up and of one makes a way from a narrow space all others will queue and make that space wide coz the four vehicle owners would squeeze and make space for them so that they don't make dent to 4 wheeler whole passing .

The same qualities vanish when they get down from bike and they are reduced to helpless , struggling human being to grow in life and overcome life challenges , innovate, energised actions vanish and so the psychology is active only when they are on bike

If the psychology stays with them after getting down from the bike then their life would fly in sky instead of struggling and juggling on roads...

Friday, 19 April 2019

Law of Attraction is Nothingness of Universe made Palatable...

Law of attraction is convenient way of feeding the nothingness of the universe to us.

Its like catching the ear from other side

Law of attraction is interpretation and is nothingness or atomic universe made palatable

It's a favorable presentation of nothingness which is inconceivable or unacceptable to human mind hence putting the honey of law of attraction into it and presenting it to human mind .

Then too most turn their mouths other way from dish of law of attraction after superficial initial inspection.

There isn't anything to attract in the first place in the universe.

Its all creative imagination and focused attention to your imagination which  forces the atomic particles to move and interact with each other to take forms of your conceived ideas into supposed  realities.

Play of energy is so enormous and fluid that before we can conceive anything it transforms into something else and we keep chasing it hoping to stop and conclude into any form for ever.

And the eternal play is also frustrating hence we create finitism within this infinite play of energy to give solace to our mind and try to make some sense of life.

Our senses with help of the mind keep doing this endless exercise of making sense and creating patterns out of anything and everything .
The day one has complete control of the energies we have and able to focus in such a way that each moment anything you conceive in your mind the atomic particle will instantly rearrange themselves to present it to you in your experience.

And that day you will find the whole idea of creation and imagination futile, zestless frustrating and meaningless because there is  no point in creating anything when you can create anything from nothing instantly.

Your purpose seeking mind will cease to exist that day and so will you or exist like a vegetable .

Saturday, 22 December 2018

Goal setting and life setting

Goals setting and life setting..

You must be the owner of your goals
Goals should not own you or enslave you

When you own the goals then you have control over them and your life.

When your goals own you then you don't have control over your life .

Instead of visualising how you will feel when you will achieve your goal you must concentrate on visualising how you will feel on the way to your goals because that's where the maximum period of your life will be spent .

Once you achieve your goal you can't spend more time there and immediately set new goal.

The anxiety stress on the path to a goal is not desirous for any sort of goal because once you achieve your goal you don't know what to do..

Your being has developed a habit of being in constant stress , anxiety, seeking achievement of goal and can't stay without it.

So want to go back to that state of being and you will set another goal which would ensure stress anxiety on the way to it.

This will continue throughout life
So the goals which were supposed to give us happiness peace satisfaction have become the very source of exactly the opposite of what we wanted to seek.

We entangle ourselves in such a maze and keep going round and round without a way out of it.

So choose any goal but ensure that you experience at every step that which you want to experience on achievement of goal.
Let every step of the journey become a achievement of goal and let the final achievement of goal be the culmination and peak of those achievements.

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Why self development is not a priority or last priority

Why self development is last priority or not a need recognised by most ?

Those in the self development business , the trainers, mentors , coaches , teachers must have experienced that most of the trainees, coaches mentees need to be persuaded to their own self development and after persuasion as well conversion is miniscule or in some odd percentages .

If self development is the path to better resources to live a life , better well being and better quality of life .

Why would most ignore it and need convincing that they must invest?

My research and experience reveals to me following reasons:

1) Most think that they are good enough and other people , circumstances and destiny is responsible for the gap between their present situation and their goals or desires. ( they choose Blame game over self development )

2) Most fear to face their own short comings or incapabilities ad cannot come to terms them ( they choose to be shell and suffer over self development )

3) Most are confused about self development coz it's abstract and not tangible in short term or immediately ( they choose a life of bewilderment and struggle over self development)

4) Most importantly self development is not a course which one will complete and that's the end of it for one life
Its a conscious unending relentlessly process coz of our limitless capacity to develop ourselves.

Every skills becomes irrelevant after a period for an individual or his surrounding and need upgrade or expansion to suit the expectation of oneself or society.

(They choose to dream about self development but seldomly commit to it or sometimes half heartedly attempt and go back to old ways)

But I believe that

it's a unending saga similar to breathing , eating and excretion
And  it has a has tremendous outcome, satisfaction , fulfilment and more importantly it is only purpose of our existence to become our highest limitless self .

What is your experience ?


Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Maya or illusion or Ultimate Power

With every breath there arise infinite possibilities of our future to us
With each breath our attention, focus on one desired future triggers its manifestation for us
And again with next breath everything again emerges in our perception through Windows of our senses.
Our Realities are a result of conscious or unconscious collapsing of all the possibilities and choosing one desired one with every breath till only that possibility emerges with next every breath and then even universe doesn't have any choice to bring it into reality perceptible to our senses.
Our efforts or focus on desired possibility should be consistent and unwavering. It helps to collapse all the other infinite possibilities and future generations of these possibilities eventually forcing only one possibility to exist and manifest into reality.
In reality all other possibilities do not vanish they only rearrange themselves in such a way that they do not appear in front of us or in other words they arrange themselves in such a way that you see only your desired possibility and others seem collapsed.
Infinite possibilities cannot vanish and always remain all the time .
Our attention to one desired possibility or observation of one desired possibility triggers its appearance over others overlapping them.
These infinite possibilities rearrange behind our desired possibility due to our constant attention and observation and appear as vanished .
The dance of these infinite possibilities in our perception all the time bewilders us And we are unable to create consciously any one desired possibility easily.
Our mind and senses need to be tamed to focus on our desired possibility of future ignoring rest all possibilities however tempting or fearful they may seem.
These choices of infinite possibilities with every breath may seem a illusion or Maya as it is called or it may also be a infinite power to choose any future we desire from infinite possibilities arising every breath.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Casual communications ...

Whenever we communicate with others , the words and emotions we choose to express ourselves need to be specific to the possible world view of the other person or a group in context to the subject of conversation.

Because in every conversation 2 worlds collide ( Individual worlds with their unique ideas and perceptions about everything and the specific thing in conversation )

Every language has words which are interpreted freely by every individual depending upon an individual's  association or experience with that word keeping the interpretation in a range of dictionary meaning and context possessed by that word.

Eg Fear  is a word which has many associative meanings based on the experiences of an individual within its dictionary meaning and context.
For some speaking in a group is FEAR 
For some speaking in front of a group is FEAR
For some talking to strangers is FEAR 
For some speaking with strangers , or speaking in a group or in front of a group is FUN but heights is FEAR  etc etc 

When such words are used we trigger their possible associations in the other person's mind  and if the context in which the word fear is used  is very very different from their associations then there is a possibility of mis -communicating  the context of the communication or distracting the whole conversation.


Whats the choice left with us while communicating and choosing our words ???

We cant possibly predict what associations or interpretations our choice of words may trigger but we can certainly be careful in our choice as to limit the possibility of distracting the other person or the audience and being aware while communicating.

Most communications fall under casual communications in the sense that they are not made in total awareness and with absolute control on the choosing the words in the conversation.

The outcome is left to the other person and also the blame of misunderstanding rest on them.

With so many casual communications in this world harmony and peace would be an aspiration in any era of mankind.

Yes, crystal clear communication is extremely difficult or rather impossible  between human beings unlike the animals where things are very straight and simple with no liberty to interpret messages in an unique individualistic way.

Hence animals are in absolute peace and harmony with each other and with the cosmos. 

Our need for survival and  manipulative adaptions take us through such chaos of casual communications.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Books O Books...

My journey from a person who struggled to read a single page of a book to  becoming a voracious reader and then turning to writing and becoming a Author was awesome
Living beings around me were of less help then those who poured their soul into their books as authors and Transformed me
Lifted me
Carcassed me
Encouraged me
Stirred me
Served as a support in the journey of life
Played a major role in my transformation
Books and through them the authors who shaped my thoughts and characters are real heroes of my life
And really books are , non interfering , non  intimidating,  not dominating , not prejudiced but are innocent , neutral,
non reactive , being themselves and just offer their services to us to transform our perceptions without any compulsions .
They don't care who you are and just offer themselves to us selflessly  for understanding, evaluating  and accepting them.
Living beings could take these qualities from these non living beings (books)  who infuse life in so called living beings .
In life it's one's duty to share the treasure one has  found and leveraged to bring happiness blessings and harmony in one's own life, so that others can also have access to happiness blessings and harmony in their life through that treasure .
I am doing my duty to share the treasure I found with you all.
I urge the reader to turn to books and explore them deeply to find what you are seeking and longing in life.
Even if you haven't read more than few pages in your life it's possible to gulp many books .
I am suggesting you an idea for the same.
Just find out in what state of mind and emotions you are now
how your life is shaping as per your expectations
I am sure you would want more from life at this time
So note down the state of mind and feelings in a piece of paper
And explore availability of books with themes similar to your state of mind and emotions and then select the book and start reading to explore more your own feelings and state of mind
Then see the magic you would not realise when you are half a way through the book
Once you savour the content of book and implement in your life and benefit and see the transformation then you have tasted the treasure and will be unstoppable .
Go for it and shine in your life
You are worth the shine
You deserve the shine
Your destiny is to shine brightly like the sun.....
Happy reading ....

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

The Universe is a Service provider...

The universe only seeks from us clarity, intensity and consistency.
If we are clear in asking or desiring
If we intensely associate with our desire
If we are consistent
Then we would always receive.
The universe is not a person that it wouldn't respond to your desires.
It is ever ready , to offer you whatever you seek .
It is impartial and neutral .
It does not distinguish what's right or wrong ,  good or bad etc
The department of evaluation and interpretation belongs to our mind and ultimately us.
The Universe is ever ready to serve us.
We must be ready for receiving the services by making right choices
It is capable to give us but we may require capability building to receive and handle it.
The will power to make choices to ask with clarity , intensity and consistency is the supreme power we got as human beings which shape our destiny.
So our destiny is indirectly in our choices which we make using our will power .
Destiny is fixed and unchanged for each of our choices. But we have the power to choose our destiny through them.
The universe is a friend who sincerely guides and supports our every endeavour of shaping our destiny without interfering .
If we cannot get clarity intensity and consistency for anything in life then we are wasting our WILL POWER.
And the universe will only respond to our confusion  by offering more confusion.
Determination is the key to all that happens in our life.
Our thoughts emotions and actions are all small bogies which need to align if the whole vehicle of our life has to move in some direction.
Our senses are biggest distractions at the same time important source of understanding and interpreting the universe.
So while we get ourselves entangled in our thoughts through senses and then emotions through feelings and keep rotating and revolving in our life the universe patiently waits for instructions from us to serve and support us in our journey.
It has nothing to do us with quality of our journey or length of our journey .
It's only a SERVICE PROVIDER ...

Wednesday, 12 July 2017


Today's learners face a unique challenge
They are looking for a best tutor or teacher or trainer but they themselves are not willing to become best student or learners.
The attitude of judging the teacher or trainer interferes so much while learning or hiring one that learning gets lowest priority and they end up not getting any value from the whole engagement .

The fact remains the teacher is as good as the student .

There was a time when sishya  (learner ) used to wait for the Guru to make him his student ...

We all know the story of Eklavya that he wasn't even allowed by Dron acharya to be his student and he learnt unofficially and when guru demanded guru dakshina he happily gave away his thumb fully knowing that the guru asked everything he had from him as a archer...

But in today's generation the guru waits for the learners  to hire him or approve him as his teacher or trainer .

Negotiations for guru dakshina are as essential for learners as oxygen for living .

Such is the situation that the moment learner declares he wants to learn many gurus line up to present themselves as the best and deserving for the job.

Soon those days are not far when
Guru purnima will be a thing of past and Shishyapurnima will be celebrated and gurus will be lining up with gifts and sweets to impress students ..

The prevalent trend might dilute the already diluted education system.

Just like we can't get any nutrients and protein from the milk which is over diluted with water similarly with the dilution of education system the students who will pass out will be hollow and will lack substance.

The whole society is at risk of getting polluted first and then diluted later

The existing gurus and guardians must hold their nerve and not let loose these new developing learner psyche and emerge as torch bearers and not succumb to the livelihood earning task.

There are many other jobs where you can earn livelihood.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Whispers of life

Life always whispers to us but we are unable to listen to the whispers due to noise of our thoughts.
Life whispers to us through experiences , exposures to uncertain events , pleasant moments , nature and everything inside and outside us.
They are the revelations which one must not miss
They prepare us for the uncertain and infinite journey of life through the finite and mortal medium called body.
Very Soon my first Book WHISPERS OF LIFE will be available.
In this Book , I would share some of the whispers which life has whispered into my being and transformed me and my life journey and I am expressing them to you for your understanding and reference through this book.
Most of us require a support, a assurance to deal with our anxieties about our uncertain journeys and understand the mysterious ways of life.
I hope these whispers will serve as a pointer, reference and motivation to you to allow your life to whisper into your being and transform you and your life journey.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Active Reading and active listening....

Active Reading is similar to active listening.

We spend 10% of our  total communication time  as reading.

During reading we  must ensure we are actively reading .

Reading is a dialogue between you and the writer with no physical proximity.

Hence, while reading it's of utmost importance that we involve ourself with the emotions, context and perspective of the author without tampering with your assumptions and thinking.

Thinking is prohibited while reading because  it interferes with the clearity with which the author wants to  communicate with the reader.

For everybody's knowledge it's scientifically proven that we can live without thinking for long time unlike breathing.
Mediators live without thinking for hours and they don't die.

So we must atleast while reading stop the chatter and involve ourselves with the authors thoughts. 

It's a waste of time ,energy and even money spent on purchasing a book or magazine or Internet bill , if  you don't read actively .

And more importantly the basic fundamental reason for the reading activity is to gain insight is diluted and majority of time the communication between the reader and the author ends up as a misinterpretation or miscommunication.
Major reason for majority of people not completing a book which they start reading is a series of inactive reading episodes leading to less understanding and over a period of time loosing the context and interest .
The results are very disastrous.

Every author has a perspective of an subject
If someone has interest in that subject and has  invested time and resources getting an access to it then one  must atleast mandatorily get an insight of the perspective of the author.

Agreeing with the perspective or not is our  choice but atleast understanding it as it was wrote is our responsibility.

But due to lack of active Reading most of us miss the whole communication.

Effective communication is all about understanding different perspectives of different individuals with whom we communicate and exchange ideas resulting into a productivity of all kinds (financial ,emotional  psychological and spiritual)

Hence read as if the author is speaking in person to you and every word sentence and context of the material has something to convey to you which is utmost important to have a fruitful and productive outcome.

Example of reading and active Reading..

A quote from Karl Max 

"Religion is opium of the masses"

Interpretation of just Reading

In this quote
Firstly religion is quoted as opium (addictive narcotic) putting it in poor light
Secondly the masses i.e the public is put down by showing them addicted and deprived of other better things in life by addiction to religion (projected as opium)

Interpretation of Active reading

An Active Reader interprets the actual meaning of the quote with relevant  context as :
Opium relives pain
And Religion is the only saviour who behaves like a pain killer from all adversities that masses face in their day to day life.

Just see the difference and Miscommunication between reading and active Reading.

Happy Active Reading ...